For a decade, my heart blazed with love for Dexter, only for him to cold-heartedly manipulate me, using me as bait to trap the twisted murderer who targeted his new infatuation. He was set on seeing me dead, but little did he know, I would become the victim for the sake of his new lover. Driven mad by the sight of my lifeless body, Dexter plummeted into insanity. Yet fate isn't done with me. As if playing a cruel joke, I find myself reborn in the body of an unfamiliar woman, and the husband lying next to me is none other than the sadistic murderer who had cruelly taken my life... And, inexplicably, he seems so hauntingly familiar...

Chapter 1I was dead.I bit the dust the night he forced me to lure a killer all to protect his new flame. After I kicked the bucket, they turned my body into an exhibit and stuck me in a glass display case for eternity.But Dexter Fitzgerald just lost his marbles.Sea City, the Fitzgerald MansionI couldn't figure out why my spirit ended up back at this joint after I took a big sleep."Still no word from Phoebe? It's been days," Dexter’s mother Hailey muttered under her breath as she parked on the couch. "That kid's always been a goody two shoes; she wouldn't just ghost my calls. What if something's happened to her?"I was the Fitzgerald family's adopted girl, shipped over to their pad when I was eighteen.My mom was Hailey's BFF. After my folks passed away in a car wreck, she scooped me up and brought me to the Fitzgeralds."Mom, just let it be. She's a big girl; what could possibly go wrong?" Dexter was getting antsy and glancing at the time. "Today's Melody's birthday bash—I gotta jet."Watching Dexter, I couldn't help but snicker at myself. Like he'd give a damn if I was dead or alive.Back in the day, we were the childhood sweethearts everybody raved about. Me, always following him around; him, always holding my hand.He said he dug me, and then like a complete idiot, I fell head over heels for him for a whole decade.Turned out young love was paper thin. When Dexter met his true love, all the feelings we had went up in smoke in the blink of an eye."Dexter... With that serial killer jazz going around targeting young, pretty girls, I've got this twitch in my eye and my heart's racing non-stop. Hit up Phoebe, tell her I miss her," Hailey was on edge and pleaded quietly.After my parents were six feet under, Hailey was the only one soothing and caring for me like a mother; she was treating me like her own flesh and blood.I wanted to comfort her, to give her a hug, but I couldn't do squat now.Even worse... I was the reason she was in knots."Hailey, I'm so sorry..." My voice choked up, arms outstretched, trying to embrace her, but I couldn't touch her no matter how hard I tried."She's just an ungrateful woman. She shouldn't have hung up on you even if she was mad at me. She's got a hard-on." Dexter was loaded with disgust as he mentioned me.I remembered that year when Dexter got sideswiped by kidnappers. I played the decoy like a madwoman, just praying he'd make it out alive.I still heard him murmuring right before he passed out, "Phoebe, I'll always be good to you..."Now that love's gone, I was just the ingrate he's griping about."Dexter, I'm six feet under, and you're finally off the hook," I stood in front of him, mocking myself. "Turns out I've always been nothing but an ungrateful woman to you."Hailey said, "Dexter, I know you don't wanna tie the knot with Phoebe, but you guys were set from the start and childhood sweethearts with a solid foundation. You're already an item; if you don't marry her, how am I supposed to face her mom?"Dexter's face turned stormy, his voice icy, "Cut the childhood sweethearts crap. Why I gotta marry her just because we grew up together? She's delusional by using a childhood promise as an excuse to throw herself at me, dignity be damned."I was shaking with rage. I swung at him but hit nothing but air, "Dexter, you bastard!"That night, it was him who went nuts and laid hands on me in bed. And he also had the nerve to claim I played him.Dexter took off, and my spirit had no choice but to tag along to Melody Burton's birthday bash.As soon as we walked in, Dexter's buddies started calling Melody "Mrs. Fitzgerald!""Happy birthday, Mrs. Fitzgerald! Dexter broke the bank to make your day special."Dexter smiled fondly at Melody, presenting his gift amid cheers from the crowd."Dexter, any news from Phoebe?" Melody asked quietly as if something just crossed her mind.I snorted, "Playing the good guy, huh? Weren't you the one who did me in?"Dexter frowned, "Don't kill the vibe by bringing her up."Melody just smiled, "She's still your sister, after all. Don't be like that.""Sister?" Dexter scoffed. "She almost got you killed and you're still sticking up for her? You're too nice."Melody hugged Dexter, getting all cutesy in his arms. "I don't mind..." she muttered.Standing in front of Dexter, I desperately tried to explain. "I didn't do it! I never hurt her, and it was her! She's the one who got me killed!" I exclaimed. "Dexter! She's the one who killed me!"But Dexter couldn't hear a thing.I cried and shouted, explain myself like a madwoman. I suddenly felt drained after getting my throat dry by explaining.But Dexter never trusted me.People were gossiping about the killer."Did you guys hear? That serial killer's still on the loose. Cops found six bodies already, all beauties.""Melody on the killer's radar a while back. Luckily you kept her safe, Dexter. Or it could've been real bad.""Phoebe tried to bait that killer and couldn't even draw him out. Even a serial killer's got no interest in her." They laughed."Yeah, even the killer doesn’t bat an eye. She’s no comparison to Melody."Dexter felt a tightness in his chest. He somehow felt irked, "Why bring that up?"He lit a cigarette and picked up the phone when it rang again, "Hello?""Is this Mr. Dexter Fitzgerald? We're from the Sea City Homicide Division. What's your relationship with Phoebe Caldwell?"Dexter shot up, signaling everyone to zip it, "Shut your traps!"He was jittery and his fingers slightly turned white, "Phoebe is my sister."I looked at Dexter and just burst out laughing. I was still just his sister after my demise."She might be in trouble. We found her phone and some personal stuff at the crime scene. Come over and check this out."I trailed behind Dexter as we entered the Homicide Division."Mr. Fitzgerald, just to confirm with you," the cops took Dexter to identify some items found at the crime scene – clothes, a cell phone, a bag – all mine.Dexter looked pretty shaken up. It took him a hot minute to speak up. "Where is she?""Sorry, Mr. Fitzgerald, from our initial investigation, it's highly likely she's been offed. But we haven't found the body yet.""Forget it then, don't waste your manpower on her; she's not in trouble." Dexter snorted with a sneer. "She's just ditching her stuff on purpose to create suspense. She did these to make me feel guilty and back down."Dexter didn't buy for a second that I was dead. In his eyes, I was just a villain who wouldn't stop at anything to get what I wanted, and he wished I was really six feet under."Are you sure about that, Mr. Fitzgerald?" The cop gave him a puzzled look."Positive," Dexter nodded and looked dead serious, "Sorry for the hassle, I'll sort it out. Give me three days and I'll find her."There was a storm brewing in Dexter's eyes. He was clearly ticked off.I knew him too well; he was pissed that I'd taken the drama too far this time. I suddenly felt like laughing, but the laughter died right beside Dexter.I was dead, and he was stalling the police investigation.The same thing happened the day I was killed. I made my last call to him on the day I died, but he just snapped back after picking it up, "Phoebe, will you ever give it a rest? Why don't you just drop dead?"I tossed my phone away in despair, got knocked out and taken away by the killer, then dead."Stella, where's Phoebe? Tell her to stop hiding and come back," Dexter called Stella with rage boiling as soon as he left the police station.Stella was my only friend, and I didn't even get a chance to say her goodbye."What the hell, Dexter? I should be asking you about Phoebe’s whereabouts. What have you done with her?" Stella retorted."Tell her this is her last chance. She better come home tomorrow, or I won't bother collecting her remains even if she dies out there!" Dexter was frantic.I couldn't fathom what he was so worked up about; even his breathing was all heavy.I stood there numb with a mocking smile on my lips, "Don't worry about collecting my body, because you won't be able to find it.""Phoebe's gone missing and I've called the cops, you scumbag. If anything happens to her, I won't let you off the hook!" Stella screamed through tears on the phone.Dexter's heart clenched, his laugh dripping with sarcasm, "Is this her new trick? Using this to force me into marrying her? Pathetic."My vision blurred as I watched Dexter.That moment, I truly lost all hope.A week before my death, there was a heavy downpour, lightning flashing, thunder crashing.Dexter pinned me down on the bed, his eyes cold and threatening, "Phoebe, you keep throwing yourself at me just want me to touch you like this, right? Why are you acting like a bitch? Why are you so desperate for a man?""I didn't...we had an engagement and you're the one not honoring it, Dexter"He didn't give a damn about my explanations. He grabbed my chin and kissed my lips. His kiss was void of love and fraught with his cathartic desire, "Isn't this what you wanted? Stop pretending.""Dexter, please, my stomach... it hurts so much..." I cried and begged, but he wouldn't stop.He gripped my waist, thrusting hard and fierce like a madman."Phoebe, you pushed Melody down the stairs and nearly killed her. I haven't settled that score with you yet. I didn't throw you in jail and that was mercy enough. In that case, just stop with your tricks! You think that'll make me marry you? You'd better get that idea out of your head!"By the end, I was voiceless and couldn't utter a word. It wasn't me. I didn't push her.Crimson blood flowed between my legs and my stomach was in excruciating pain. The pain was suffocating."Dexter... it hurts. Please, take me to the hospital." I begged.Something wasn't right. I could feel it."Bad luck." Dexter tossed me aside with disgust, getting dressed to take me to the hospital.But just then, his phone rang, "Dexter! Dexter! Save me! I think that psycho killer is after me, help me!"Dexter’s face went pale. Panic-stricken, he grabbed his clothes and dashed out. He was too worried about Melody so he didn't care if I lived or died.The pain made me fall off the bed and curl up, "Help... Dexter. Don't leave me... please..."That day, I literally passed out from the pain.Six days before my death, it was already daylight when I jolted awake.The sun was shining brightly after the rain. I struggled to get up from the ground and found the bloodstains between my legs dried up."Dexter, I'm so freaked out. What do I do?" It was Melody's sobbing in the living room. She was shivering non-stop, saying she was on the killer's radar. She was scared to die."Dexter, we checked the security footage and Melody's definitely been marked. Should we call the cops?" a voice came by."No... Dexter, don't call the police. The killer is brutal and only targets young women. The cops have found six bodies already but haven't caught him. If we push him into a corner..." Melody shook her head in fear, refusing to call the police."Melody, don't be scared," Dexter embraced her and soothed her softly. He knew how to act gentle; it's just that he's never spared me an ounce of it.I stood there, feeling awkward and stiff, caught between a rock and a hard place."Melody, what were you wearing when you walked through Flare Alley yesterday?" Dexter's good buddy Chandler threw out a question."A red dress," Melody replied, glancing at me. "Phoebe..."I didn't say anything, looked away, and my legs trembled as I walked towards the kitchen to get something to eat."Dexter, I have an idea to lure out that killer, and once we catch him, we can call the cops. This way, we can prevent any mistakes and keep Melody safe," Chandler said, looking at Dexter.Dexter nodded, "Let's hear it.""Get a woman to wear Melody's dress and go to Flare Alley at midnight to draw the guy out. We'll have cameras all around and keep an eye out; nothing will go wrong," Chandler suggested, looking at Dexter.Dexter frowned, "What kind of half-baked plan is that? Are you sending your girlfriend?"Melody's gaze fell on me again, and she spoke softly. "Phoebe, you look pale. Are you okay?""Why do you care about her? She almost killed you and you're still worried about her?" Dexter hugged Melody tighter and looked a little annoyed.My hand, which was getting hot coffee, hung in the air. The pain in my chest spread throughout my body."Let her do it! She's perfect! She almost killed Melody; she owes Melody, so let her make amends!""Yeah! Send Phoebe. She and Melody look alike. Just send her!" his friends abetted.Panicking, I looked at Dexter and hoped to hear a refusal from him.He knew I was afraid of the dark; there was no way I could go to such a secluded place in the middle of the night.Dexter paused for a moment, then looked at me with an icy gaze. After a long silence, he said, "You owe Melody, and you need to pay it back."His words felt like a blow that threw me into an abyss.My fingers went numb, and the mug full of hot coffee slipped from my grasp, spilling all over my hand.The scalding water burned, but I felt numb.For ten years, I tried to warm this man's heart, but failed.And Melody... she got his affection effortlessly."I won't go." I refused. I couldn't gamble with my life."Dexter, stop pressuring Phoebe..." Melody's eyes reddened. "Phoebe didn't mean to push me down the stairs.""Don't defend her!" Dexter suddenly burst out.Even Melody was startled.He stood up and stormed towards me.I shook my head in fear, "I won't go, Dexter!""You don't have a choice!" Dexter was adamant."Our guys will watch over you; you won't die," he said that as if to reassure me.I lowered my head, tears scalding my eyes."Once you've repaid your debt to Melody, I'll consider it a fresh start for you and stop targeting you," he said in a low voice like he was offering me a carrot.And stupidly, I believed it. "Will you really... ensure my safety?" I asked."Of course," Dexter snapped impatiently."I don't owe Melody anything, Dexter. If we catch the killer, can you promise me one thing?" I looked at him desperately. It wasn't about bargaining with him; I had something I needed to tell him."Don't push your luck," he snapped, his face hardening.I looked down, silent. Living with the Fitzgerald family, I was always walking on eggshells. I loved him, but I also feared him."Fine, I'll go," I agreed. "Consider it repayment for when you saved me back then."I entrusted my life to Dexter. Once this was over, I'd offer to break off our engagement to give him his freedom. I’d leave the country and never return to the Fitzgerald family.Chapter 2I was dead.I bit the dust the night he forced me to lure a killer all to protect his new flame. After I kicked the bucket, they turned my body into an exhibit and stuck me in a glass display case for eternity.But Dexter Fitzgerald just lost his marbles.Sea City, the Fitzgerald MansionI couldn't figure out why my spirit ended up back at this joint after I took a big sleep."Still no word from Phoebe? It's been days," Dexter’s mother Hailey muttered under her breath as she parked on the couch. "That kid's always been a goody two shoes; she wouldn't just ghost my calls. What if something's happened to her?"I was the Fitzgerald family's adopted girl, shipped over to their pad when I was eighteen.My mom was Hailey's BFF. After my folks passed away in a car wreck, she scooped me up and brought me to the Fitzgeralds."Mom, just let it be. She's a big girl; what could possibly go wrong?" Dexter was getting antsy and glancing at the time. "Today's Melody's birthday bash—I gotta jet."Watching Dexter, I couldn't help but snicker at myself. Like he'd give a damn if I was dead or alive.Back in the day, we were the childhood sweethearts everybody raved about. Me, always following him around; him, always holding my hand.He said he dug me, and then like a complete idiot, I fell head over heels for him for a whole decade.Turned out young love was paper thin. When Dexter met his true love, all the feelings we had went up in smoke in the blink of an eye."Dexter... With that serial killer jazz going around targeting young, pretty girls, I've got this twitch in my eye and my heart's racing non-stop. Hit up Phoebe, tell her I miss her," Hailey was on edge and pleaded quietly.After my parents were six feet under, Hailey was the only one soothing and caring for me like a mother; she was treating me like her own flesh and blood.I wanted to comfort her, to give her a hug, but I couldn't do squat now.Even worse... I was the reason she was in knots."Hailey, I'm so sorry..." My voice choked up, arms outstretched, trying to embrace her, but I couldn't touch her no matter how hard I tried."She's just an ungrateful woman. She shouldn't have hung up on you even if she was mad at me. She's got a hard-on." Dexter was loaded with disgust as he mentioned me.I remembered that year when Dexter got sideswiped by kidnappers. I played the decoy like a madwoman, just praying he'd make it out alive.I still heard him murmuring right before he passed out, "Phoebe, I'll always be good to you..."Now that love's gone, I was just the ingrate he's griping about."Dexter, I'm six feet under, and you're finally off the hook," I stood in front of him, mocking myself. "Turns out I've always been nothing but an ungrateful woman to you."Hailey said, "Dexter, I know you don't wanna tie the knot with Phoebe, but you guys were set from the start and childhood sweethearts with a solid foundation. You're already an item; if you don't marry her, how am I supposed to face her mom?"Dexter's face turned stormy, his voice icy, "Cut the childhood sweethearts crap. Why I gotta marry her just because we grew up together? She's delusional by using a childhood promise as an excuse to throw herself at me, dignity be damned."I was shaking with rage. I swung at him but hit nothing but air, "Dexter, you bastard!"That night, it was him who went nuts and laid hands on me in bed. And he also had the nerve to claim I played him.Dexter took off, and my spirit had no choice but to tag along to Melody Burton's birthday bash.As soon as we walked in, Dexter's buddies started calling Melody "Mrs. Fitzgerald!""Happy birthday, Mrs. Fitzgerald! Dexter broke the bank to make your day special."Dexter smiled fondly at Melody, presenting his gift amid cheers from the crowd."Dexter, any news from Phoebe?" Melody asked quietly as if something just crossed her mind.I snorted, "Playing the good guy, huh? Weren't you the one who did me in?"Dexter frowned, "Don't kill the vibe by bringing her up."Melody just smiled, "She's still your sister, after all. Don't be like that.""Sister?" Dexter scoffed. "She almost got you killed and you're still sticking up for her? You're too nice."Melody hugged Dexter, getting all cutesy in his arms. "I don't mind..." she muttered.Standing in front of Dexter, I desperately tried to explain. "I didn't do it! I never hurt her, and it was her! She's the one who got me killed!" I exclaimed. "Dexter! She's the one who killed me!"But Dexter couldn't hear a thing.I cried and shouted, explain myself like a madwoman. I suddenly felt drained after getting my throat dry by explaining.But Dexter never trusted me.People were gossiping about the killer."Did you guys hear? That serial killer's still on the loose. Cops found six bodies already, all beauties.""Melody on the killer's radar a while back. Luckily you kept her safe, Dexter. Or it could've been real bad.""Phoebe tried to bait that killer and couldn't even draw him out. Even a serial killer's got no interest in her." They laughed."Yeah, even the killer doesn’t bat an eye. She’s no comparison to Melody."Dexter felt a tightness in his chest. He somehow felt irked, "Why bring that up?"He lit a cigarette and picked up the phone when it rang again, "Hello?""Is this Mr. Dexter Fitzgerald? We're from the Sea City Homicide Division. What's your relationship with Phoebe Caldwell?"Dexter shot up, signaling everyone to zip it, "Shut your traps!"He was jittery and his fingers slightly turned white, "Phoebe is my sister."I looked at Dexter and just burst out laughing. I was still just his sister after my demise."She might be in trouble. We found her phone and some personal stuff at the crime scene. Come over and check this out."I trailed behind Dexter as we entered the Homicide Division."Mr. Fitzgerald, just to confirm with you," the cops took Dexter to identify some items found at the crime scene – clothes, a cell phone, a bag – all mine.Dexter looked pretty shaken up. It took him a hot minute to speak up. "Where is she?""Sorry, Mr. Fitzgerald, from our initial investigation, it's highly likely she's been offed. But we haven't found the body yet.""Forget it then, don't waste your manpower on her; she's not in trouble." Dexter snorted with a sneer. "She's just ditching her stuff on purpose to create suspense. She did these to make me feel guilty and back down."Dexter didn't buy for a second that I was dead. In his eyes, I was just a villain who wouldn't stop at anything to get what I wanted, and he wished I was really six feet under."Are you sure about that, Mr. Fitzgerald?" The cop gave him a puzzled look."Positive," Dexter nodded and looked dead serious, "Sorry for the hassle, I'll sort it out. Give me three days and I'll find her."There was a storm brewing in Dexter's eyes. He was clearly ticked off.I knew him too well; he was pissed that I'd taken the drama too far this time. I suddenly felt like laughing, but the laughter died right beside Dexter.I was dead, and he was stalling the police investigation.The same thing happened the day I was killed. I made my last call to him on the day I died, but he just snapped back after picking it up, "Phoebe, will you ever give it a rest? Why don't you just drop dead?"I tossed my phone away in despair, got knocked out and taken away by the killer, then dead."Stella, where's Phoebe? Tell her to stop hiding and come back," Dexter called Stella with rage boiling as soon as he left the police station.Stella was my only friend, and I didn't even get a chance to say her goodbye."What the hell, Dexter? I should be asking you about Phoebe’s whereabouts. What have you done with her?" Stella retorted."Tell her this is her last chance. She better come home tomorrow, or I won't bother collecting her remains even if she dies out there!" Dexter was frantic.I couldn't fathom what he was so worked up about; even his breathing was all heavy.I stood there numb with a mocking smile on my lips, "Don't worry about collecting my body, because you won't be able to find it.""Phoebe's gone missing and I've called the cops, you scumbag. If anything happens to her, I won't let you off the hook!" Stella screamed through tears on the phone.Dexter's heart clenched, his laugh dripping with sarcasm, "Is this her new trick? Using this to force me into marrying her? Pathetic."My vision blurred as I watched Dexter.That moment, I truly lost all hope.A week before my death, there was a heavy downpour, lightning flashing, thunder crashing.Dexter pinned me down on the bed, his eyes cold and threatening, "Phoebe, you keep throwing yourself at me just want me to touch you like this, right? Why are you acting like a bitch? Why are you so desperate for a man?""I didn't...we had an engagement and you're the one not honoring it, Dexter"He didn't give a damn about my explanations. He grabbed my chin and kissed my lips. His kiss was void of love and fraught with his cathartic desire, "Isn't this what you wanted? Stop pretending.""Dexter, please, my stomach... it hurts so much..." I cried and begged, but he wouldn't stop.He gripped my waist, thrusting hard and fierce like a madman."Phoebe, you pushed Melody down the stairs and nearly killed her. I haven't settled that score with you yet. I didn't throw you in jail and that was mercy enough. In that case, just stop with your tricks! You think that'll make me marry you? You'd better get that idea out of your head!"By the end, I was voiceless and couldn't utter a word. It wasn't me. I didn't push her.Crimson blood flowed between my legs and my stomach was in excruciating pain. The pain was suffocating."Dexter... it hurts. Please, take me to the hospital." I begged.Something wasn't right. I could feel it."Bad luck." Dexter tossed me aside with disgust, getting dressed to take me to the hospital.But just then, his phone rang, "Dexter! Dexter! Save me! I think that psycho killer is after me, help me!"Dexter’s face went pale. Panic-stricken, he grabbed his clothes and dashed out. He was too worried about Melody so he didn't care if I lived or died.The pain made me fall off the bed and curl up, "Help... Dexter. Don't leave me... please..."That day, I literally passed out from the pain.Six days before my death, it was already daylight when I jolted awake.The sun was shining brightly after the rain. I struggled to get up from the ground and found the bloodstains between my legs dried up."Dexter, I'm so freaked out. What do I do?" It was Melody's sobbing in the living room. She was shivering non-stop, saying she was on the killer's radar. She was scared to die."Dexter, we checked the security footage and Melody's definitely been marked. Should we call the cops?" a voice came by."No... Dexter, don't call the police. The killer is brutal and only targets young women. The cops have found six bodies already but haven't caught him. If we push him into a corner..." Melody shook her head in fear, refusing to call the police."Melody, don't be scared," Dexter embraced her and soothed her softly. He knew how to act gentle; it's just that he's never spared me an ounce of it.I stood there, feeling awkward and stiff, caught between a rock and a hard place."Melody, what were you wearing when you walked through Flare Alley yesterday?" Dexter's good buddy Chandler threw out a question."A red dress," Melody replied, glancing at me. "Phoebe..."I didn't say anything, looked away, and my legs trembled as I walked towards the kitchen to get something to eat."Dexter, I have an idea to lure out that killer, and once we catch him, we can call the cops. This way, we can prevent any mistakes and keep Melody safe," Chandler said, looking at Dexter.Dexter nodded, "Let's hear it.""Get a woman to wear Melody's dress and go to Flare Alley at midnight to draw the guy out. We'll have cameras all around and keep an eye out; nothing will go wrong," Chandler suggested, looking at Dexter.Dexter frowned, "What kind of half-baked plan is that? Are you sending your girlfriend?"Melody's gaze fell on me again, and she spoke softly. "Phoebe, you look pale. Are you okay?""Why do you care about her? She almost killed you and you're still worried about her?" Dexter hugged Melody tighter and looked a little annoyed.My hand, which was getting hot coffee, hung in the air. The pain in my chest spread throughout my body."Let her do it! She's perfect! She almost killed Melody; she owes Melody, so let her make amends!""Yeah! Send Phoebe. She and Melody look alike. Just send her!" his friends abetted.Panicking, I looked at Dexter and hoped to hear a refusal from him.He knew I was afraid of the dark; there was no way I could go to such a secluded place in the middle of the night.Dexter paused for a moment, then looked at me with an icy gaze. After a long silence, he said, "You owe Melody, and you need to pay it back."His words felt like a blow that threw me into an abyss.My fingers went numb, and the mug full of hot coffee slipped from my grasp, spilling all over my hand.The scalding water burned, but I felt numb.For ten years, I tried to warm this man's heart, but failed.And Melody... she got his affection effortlessly."I won't go." I refused. I couldn't gamble with my life."Dexter, stop pressuring Phoebe..." Melody's eyes reddened. "Phoebe didn't mean to push me down the stairs.""Don't defend her!" Dexter suddenly burst out.Even Melody was startled.He stood up and stormed towards me.I shook my head in fear, "I won't go, Dexter!""You don't have a choice!" Dexter was adamant."Our guys will watch over you; you won't die," he said that as if to reassure me.I lowered my head, tears scalding my eyes."Once you've repaid your debt to Melody, I'll consider it a fresh start for you and stop targeting you," he said in a low voice like he was offering me a carrot.And stupidly, I believed it. "Will you really... ensure my safety?" I asked."Of course," Dexter snapped impatiently."I don't owe Melody anything, Dexter. If we catch the killer, can you promise me one thing?" I looked at him desperately. It wasn't about bargaining with him; I had something I needed to tell him."Don't push your luck," he snapped, his face hardening.I looked down, silent. Living with the Fitzgerald family, I was always walking on eggshells. I loved him, but I also feared him."Fine, I'll go," I agreed. "Consider it repayment for when you saved me back then."I entrusted my life to Dexter. Once this was over, I'd offer to break off our engagement to give him his freedom. I’d leave the country and never return to the Fitzgerald family.Chapter 3I was dead.I bit the dust the night he forced me to lure a killer all to protect his new flame. After I kicked the bucket, they turned my body into an exhibit and stuck me in a glass display case for eternity.But Dexter Fitzgerald just lost his marbles.Sea City, the Fitzgerald MansionI couldn't figure out why my spirit ended up back at this joint after I took a big sleep."Still no word from Phoebe? It's been days," Dexter’s mother Hailey muttered under her breath as she parked on the couch. "That kid's always been a goody two shoes; she wouldn't just ghost my calls. What if something's happened to her?"I was the Fitzgerald family's adopted girl, shipped over to their pad when I was eighteen.My mom was Hailey's BFF. After my folks passed away in a car wreck, she scooped me up and brought me to the Fitzgeralds."Mom, just let it be. She's a big girl; what could possibly go wrong?" Dexter was getting antsy and glancing at the time. "Today's Melody's birthday bash—I gotta jet."Watching Dexter, I couldn't help but snicker at myself. Like he'd give a damn if I was dead or alive.Back in the day, we were the childhood sweethearts everybody raved about. Me, always following him around; him, always holding my hand.He said he dug me, and then like a complete idiot, I fell head over heels for him for a whole decade.Turned out young love was paper thin. When Dexter met his true love, all the feelings we had went up in smoke in the blink of an eye."Dexter... With that serial killer jazz going around targeting young, pretty girls, I've got this twitch in my eye and my heart's racing non-stop. Hit up Phoebe, tell her I miss her," Hailey was on edge and pleaded quietly.After my parents were six feet under, Hailey was the only one soothing and caring for me like a mother; she was treating me like her own flesh and blood.I wanted to comfort her, to give her a hug, but I couldn't do squat now.Even worse... I was the reason she was in knots."Hailey, I'm so sorry..." My voice choked up, arms outstretched, trying to embrace her, but I couldn't touch her no matter how hard I tried."She's just an ungrateful woman. She shouldn't have hung up on you even if she was mad at me. She's got a hard-on." Dexter was loaded with disgust as he mentioned me.I remembered that year when Dexter got sideswiped by kidnappers. I played the decoy like a madwoman, just praying he'd make it out alive.I still heard him murmuring right before he passed out, "Phoebe, I'll always be good to you..."Now that love's gone, I was just the ingrate he's griping about."Dexter, I'm six feet under, and you're finally off the hook," I stood in front of him, mocking myself. "Turns out I've always been nothing but an ungrateful woman to you."Hailey said, "Dexter, I know you don't wanna tie the knot with Phoebe, but you guys were set from the start and childhood sweethearts with a solid foundation. You're already an item; if you don't marry her, how am I supposed to face her mom?"Dexter's face turned stormy, his voice icy, "Cut the childhood sweethearts crap. Why I gotta marry her just because we grew up together? She's delusional by using a childhood promise as an excuse to throw herself at me, dignity be damned."I was shaking with rage. I swung at him but hit nothing but air, "Dexter, you bastard!"That night, it was him who went nuts and laid hands on me in bed. And he also had the nerve to claim I played him.Dexter took off, and my spirit had no choice but to tag along to Melody Burton's birthday bash.As soon as we walked in, Dexter's buddies started calling Melody "Mrs. Fitzgerald!""Happy birthday, Mrs. Fitzgerald! Dexter broke the bank to make your day special."Dexter smiled fondly at Melody, presenting his gift amid cheers from the crowd."Dexter, any news from Phoebe?" Melody asked quietly as if something just crossed her mind.I snorted, "Playing the good guy, huh? Weren't you the one who did me in?"Dexter frowned, "Don't kill the vibe by bringing her up."Melody just smiled, "She's still your sister, after all. Don't be like that.""Sister?" Dexter scoffed. "She almost got you killed and you're still sticking up for her? You're too nice."Melody hugged Dexter, getting all cutesy in his arms. "I don't mind..." she muttered.Standing in front of Dexter, I desperately tried to explain. "I didn't do it! I never hurt her, and it was her! She's the one who got me killed!" I exclaimed. "Dexter! She's the one who killed me!"But Dexter couldn't hear a thing.I cried and shouted, explain myself like a madwoman. I suddenly felt drained after getting my throat dry by explaining.But Dexter never trusted me.People were gossiping about the killer."Did you guys hear? That serial killer's still on the loose. Cops found six bodies already, all beauties.""Melody on the killer's radar a while back. Luckily you kept her safe, Dexter. Or it could've been real bad.""Phoebe tried to bait that killer and couldn't even draw him out. Even a serial killer's got no interest in her." They laughed."Yeah, even the killer doesn’t bat an eye. She’s no comparison to Melody."Dexter felt a tightness in his chest. He somehow felt irked, "Why bring that up?"He lit a cigarette and picked up the phone when it rang again, "Hello?""Is this Mr. Dexter Fitzgerald? We're from the Sea City Homicide Division. What's your relationship with Phoebe Caldwell?"Dexter shot up, signaling everyone to zip it, "Shut your traps!"He was jittery and his fingers slightly turned white, "Phoebe is my sister."I looked at Dexter and just burst out laughing. I was still just his sister after my demise."She might be in trouble. We found her phone and some personal stuff at the crime scene. Come over and check this out."I trailed behind Dexter as we entered the Homicide Division."Mr. Fitzgerald, just to confirm with you," the cops took Dexter to identify some items found at the crime scene – clothes, a cell phone, a bag – all mine.Dexter looked pretty shaken up. It took him a hot minute to speak up. "Where is she?""Sorry, Mr. Fitzgerald, from our initial investigation, it's highly likely she's been offed. But we haven't found the body yet.""Forget it then, don't waste your manpower on her; she's not in trouble." Dexter snorted with a sneer. "She's just ditching her stuff on purpose to create suspense. She did these to make me feel guilty and back down."Dexter didn't buy for a second that I was dead. In his eyes, I was just a villain who wouldn't stop at anything to get what I wanted, and he wished I was really six feet under."Are you sure about that, Mr. Fitzgerald?" The cop gave him a puzzled look."Positive," Dexter nodded and looked dead serious, "Sorry for the hassle, I'll sort it out. Give me three days and I'll find her."There was a storm brewing in Dexter's eyes. He was clearly ticked off.I knew him too well; he was pissed that I'd taken the drama too far this time. I suddenly felt like laughing, but the laughter died right beside Dexter.I was dead, and he was stalling the police investigation.The same thing happened the day I was killed. I made my last call to him on the day I died, but he just snapped back after picking it up, "Phoebe, will you ever give it a rest? Why don't you just drop dead?"I tossed my phone away in despair, got knocked out and taken away by the killer, then dead."Stella, where's Phoebe? Tell her to stop hiding and come back," Dexter called Stella with rage boiling as soon as he left the police station.Stella was my only friend, and I didn't even get a chance to say her goodbye."What the hell, Dexter? I should be asking you about Phoebe’s whereabouts. What have you done with her?" Stella retorted."Tell her this is her last chance. She better come home tomorrow, or I won't bother collecting her remains even if she dies out there!" Dexter was frantic.I couldn't fathom what he was so worked up about; even his breathing was all heavy.I stood there numb with a mocking smile on my lips, "Don't worry about collecting my body, because you won't be able to find it.""Phoebe's gone missing and I've called the cops, you scumbag. If anything happens to her, I won't let you off the hook!" Stella screamed through tears on the phone.Dexter's heart clenched, his laugh dripping with sarcasm, "Is this her new trick? Using this to force me into marrying her? Pathetic."My vision blurred as I watched Dexter.That moment, I truly lost all hope.A week before my death, there was a heavy downpour, lightning flashing, thunder crashing.Dexter pinned me down on the bed, his eyes cold and threatening, "Phoebe, you keep throwing yourself at me just want me to touch you like this, right? Why are you acting like a bitch? Why are you so desperate for a man?""I didn't...we had an engagement and you're the one not honoring it, Dexter"He didn't give a damn about my explanations. He grabbed my chin and kissed my lips. His kiss was void of love and fraught with his cathartic desire, "Isn't this what you wanted? Stop pretending.""Dexter, please, my stomach... it hurts so much..." I cried and begged, but he wouldn't stop.He gripped my waist, thrusting hard and fierce like a madman."Phoebe, you pushed Melody down the stairs and nearly killed her. I haven't settled that score with you yet. I didn't throw you in jail and that was mercy enough. In that case, just stop with your tricks! You think that'll make me marry you? You'd better get that idea out of your head!"By the end, I was voiceless and couldn't utter a word. It wasn't me. I didn't push her.Crimson blood flowed between my legs and my stomach was in excruciating pain. The pain was suffocating."Dexter... it hurts. Please, take me to the hospital." I begged.Something wasn't right. I could feel it."Bad luck." Dexter tossed me aside with disgust, getting dressed to take me to the hospital.But just then, his phone rang, "Dexter! Dexter! Save me! I think that psycho killer is after me, help me!"Dexter’s face went pale. Panic-stricken, he grabbed his clothes and dashed out. He was too worried about Melody so he didn't care if I lived or died.The pain made me fall off the bed and curl up, "Help... Dexter. Don't leave me... please..."That day, I literally passed out from the pain.Six days before my death, it was already daylight when I jolted awake.The sun was shining brightly after the rain. I struggled to get up from the ground and found the bloodstains between my legs dried up."Dexter, I'm so freaked out. What do I do?" It was Melody's sobbing in the living room. She was shivering non-stop, saying she was on the killer's radar. She was scared to die."Dexter, we checked the security footage and Melody's definitely been marked. Should we call the cops?" a voice came by."No... Dexter, don't call the police. The killer is brutal and only targets young women. The cops have found six bodies already but haven't caught him. If we push him into a corner..." Melody shook her head in fear, refusing to call the police."Melody, don't be scared," Dexter embraced her and soothed her softly. He knew how to act gentle; it's just that he's never spared me an ounce of it.I stood there, feeling awkward and stiff, caught between a rock and a hard place."Melody, what were you wearing when you walked through Flare Alley yesterday?" Dexter's good buddy Chandler threw out a question."A red dress," Melody replied, glancing at me. "Phoebe..."I didn't say anything, looked away, and my legs trembled as I walked towards the kitchen to get something to eat."Dexter, I have an idea to lure out that killer, and once we catch him, we can call the cops. This way, we can prevent any mistakes and keep Melody safe," Chandler said, looking at Dexter.Dexter nodded, "Let's hear it.""Get a woman to wear Melody's dress and go to Flare Alley at midnight to draw the guy out. We'll have cameras all around and keep an eye out; nothing will go wrong," Chandler suggested, looking at Dexter.Dexter frowned, "What kind of half-baked plan is that? Are you sending your girlfriend?"Melody's gaze fell on me again, and she spoke softly. "Phoebe, you look pale. Are you okay?""Why do you care about her? She almost killed you and you're still worried about her?" Dexter hugged Melody tighter and looked a little annoyed.My hand, which was getting hot coffee, hung in the air. The pain in my chest spread throughout my body."Let her do it! She's perfect! She almost killed Melody; she owes Melody, so let her make amends!""Yeah! Send Phoebe. She and Melody look alike. Just send her!" his friends abetted.Panicking, I looked at Dexter and hoped to hear a refusal from him.He knew I was afraid of the dark; there was no way I could go to such a secluded place in the middle of the night.Dexter paused for a moment, then looked at me with an icy gaze. After a long silence, he said, "You owe Melody, and you need to pay it back."His words felt like a blow that threw me into an abyss.My fingers went numb, and the mug full of hot coffee slipped from my grasp, spilling all over my hand.The scalding water burned, but I felt numb.For ten years, I tried to warm this man's heart, but failed.And Melody... she got his affection effortlessly."I won't go." I refused. I couldn't gamble with my life."Dexter, stop pressuring Phoebe..." Melody's eyes reddened. "Phoebe didn't mean to push me down the stairs.""Don't defend her!" Dexter suddenly burst out.Even Melody was startled.He stood up and stormed towards me.I shook my head in fear, "I won't go, Dexter!""You don't have a choice!" Dexter was adamant."Our guys will watch over you; you won't die," he said that as if to reassure me.I lowered my head, tears scalding my eyes."Once you've repaid your debt to Melody, I'll consider it a fresh start for you and stop targeting you," he said in a low voice like he was offering me a carrot.And stupidly, I believed it. "Will you really... ensure my safety?" I asked."Of course," Dexter snapped impatiently."I don't owe Melody anything, Dexter. If we catch the killer, can you promise me one thing?" I looked at him desperately. It wasn't about bargaining with him; I had something I needed to tell him."Don't push your luck," he snapped, his face hardening.I looked down, silent. Living with the Fitzgerald family, I was always walking on eggshells. I loved him, but I also feared him."Fine, I'll go," I agreed. "Consider it repayment for when you saved me back then."I entrusted my life to Dexter. Once this was over, I'd offer to break off our engagement to give him his freedom. I’d leave the country and never return to the Fitzgerald family.

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