After college, I left my financially struggling boyfriend for a wealthy guy and moved abroad with him. But two years later, I found myself dumped and back home, where my ex had become highly successful. He went to great lengths to marry me, and everyone thought he was forgiving and still deeply in love with me. However, after we got married, he constantly had affairs as a way to get back at me. He couldn't understand why I wasn’t bothered or jealous. But I just smiled through it all because I was secretly battling a terminal illness. What was there left to care about?

Chapter 1After college, I left my penniless boyfriend, chasing dreams and dollars with a wealthy heir abroad.Two years later, I was sent packing back home, only to find my ex had made it big. He went to great lengths to marry me.Everyone said he was head over heels, ready to let bygones be bygones.Little did they know that he turned the table on me, changing lovers like shirts in a twisted revenge. He'd confront me, demanding why I wasn't jealous, why I didn't care.I'd only smile back. "Why should I care when I'm gonna die anyway?"On our third anniversary, Clyde Patterson set off fireworks by the beach with Kayla Osborne while I curled up on the couch, endlessly dialing his number."Sorry, the number you are calling is not available..." The robotic voice echoed again, and I passed out.When I awoke, I was in a hospital bed, the doctor hesitating before me."How long do I have?" I asked calmly.He gave a bureaucratic sigh. "With surgery now and regular chemotherapy, there's still hope."I stared blankly at the ceiling, replying, "This is my second relapse."Pain pierced through me, sweat beading on my forehead."Ms. Crawford, a new drug could inhibit the cancer cells. Each dose is $50,000.""If you could keep up with the medication for six months after the surgery..." He stopped, knowing I couldn't afford it.I was Mrs. Patterson, the CEO's wife, but I was penniless, delaying my treatment further.Pulling myself up, I dressed. "Let's schedule the surgery first."The surgery was a few thousand dollars. Maybe I could manage that.Clutching the pendant around my neck, I felt an indescribable bitterness.Back home, I first thanked my neighbor, Brenda.She looked at me sympathetically. "Don’t mention it. It's Rocky you should thank. I wouldn't have known you had fainted if it wasn't for his barking. Good thing the ambulance came in time. You young folks need to look after yourselves."Rocky, my adopted Labrador, was my savior.One month after Clyde and I married, he brought another woman home. Their unabashed actions, loud as if to ensure I heard, were a slap in my face.He later justified it. "You reap what you sow."After a huge fight, I left home distraught, finding Rocky abandoned with distemper outside a vet clinic.Our eyes met in shared despair. Both of us got thrown away, clinging to life reluctantly.I traded my gold necklace to save Rocky. Then, he saved me.Choking up, I couldn't bring myself to pet him. "Brenda, I might need to be hospitalized for a while. Could you please look after Rocky for me?"Knowing Brenda's pet dog passed last year, I was sure she'd help. Sure enough, she agreed, urging me to take care of myself.Watching them leave, at least I knew Rocky would be cared for after I was gone.But returning home, I realized I had overestimated my resources. The surgery's cost was beyond my reach.Clyde was generous with expensive clothes, bags, and jewelry, but behind closed doors, every dress or jewelry for events required his approval. He claimed I never contributed to our home and didn't deserve unrestricted access to its luxuries.When glancing at my phone, the company gossip chat was abuzz with Clyde and Kayla's spectacle.[Is Mr. Patterson serious this time? Doesn't he change lovers monthly?][Definitely. Kayla's been with him for nearly three months, right?][They celebrated Valentine's Day by the beach with fireworks. It was so romantic. Did you see Kayla's diamond necklace? Blinded by its sparkle!][Wasn't Valentine's Day also when Mr. Patterson got married? Weren't we all there?]I laughed at the irony. My colleague remembered our anniversary, yet Clyde did not. I had hoped to settle things amicably, to part on good terms. Facing the cold dinner on the table, I stepped out, realizing I didn't need him, just the money.When I arrived at the Patterson Group, Kayla was basking in attention, flaunting the necklace Clyde had given her."Kayla, Mr. Patterson spoils you. That must've cost tens of thousands!""You kidding? That's from M's new collection, easily over a hundred thousand."Kayla adjusted her hair smugly. "Well, he insisted, saying nothing's too expensive for me."I watched from the office doorway, the irony biting. I was dying and without a penny for my surgery while Clyde easily splurged on his mistress.Kayla's eyes met mine with disdain. "Which department are you from? Don't know the company rules, huh?"Her companions nudged her, whispering. "Kayla, that's the boss's wife, Melanie Crawford."Her arrogance faltered, then flared again, "This is the famous campus belle, Melanie? What a joke."I looked like something straight out of a horror show then. Three months back, the cancer came knocking again, and I'd withered away to nothing but skin and bones.Then there was Kayla, pure and pretty as a picture, with her round face and bright eyes, a spitting image of the college me.Compared to her, I wasn't just plain Jane. I was like the walking dead. But what could I do? I was probably on my last leg.A colleague whispered a warning, "Mr. Patterson adores his wife. Don't stir trouble. Otherwise, you might bite off more than you can chew."See, everyone thought Clyde was head over heels for me. But no one knew he'd rather see me dead.Kayla scoffed but quickly plastered on a smile. "Melanie, Mr. Patterson's in the middle of an important video call. No interruptions. If you need anything, I can pass the message to him for you."She meant she could waltz into Clyde's office anytime, flaunting it in my face. Her smile was pretty if you ignored the scheming in her eyes. And that smile did remind me of a younger me. No wonder Clyde saw her as something special.Clyde's flings and assistants came and went, but it was more about gauging my reaction. At first, I'd fight back and argue with him. But I realized the more I did, the bolder he got. So, I pretended to see nothing. Even when he'd flaunt his affairs right before me, I could calmly shut the door behind them.But he never brought Kayla home or let me meet her. Yet, I would hear about their escapades through office gossip like movies, candlelit dinners, and matching outfits. I knew this was different. He was in love, not just playing around. I’d been through it all before in my youth.I settled myself in a chair, then fixed my gaze on Kayla. "No worries. I'll wait for him here. And could you get me a coffee? Two sugars, cream, thanks."Kayla didn't expect my composure. Her face twisted in annoyance. "Who do you think you are, asking me to get you coffee?""Who are you, exactly?" I looked at her calmly, emotionless.She was stunned, face turning red. That arrogant attitude was all too familiar. Poor Clyde, finding someone so similar to me.But someone immediately brought me my coffee, earning a brown-noser sneer from Kayla as the colleague hurried off.I chuckled lightly. "So, Ms. Osborne, you also know you’re not exactly front-page material?"Something in my words struck a nerve, and Kayla exploded in tears. "Who are you calling that? The real homewrecker is someone who doesn't get any love! Mr. Patterson hasn't loved you for ages. Clinging to him is your fault! Look at you. Who could love that?"She stormed over, intending to drag me up.I shook my head, pitying her youthful arrogance. I wasn't there to quarrel.My heart was dead when Clyde brought home two blondes the day after our first anniversary. Getting worked up for him was a waste of my dwindling life.Colleagues intervened as Kayla grabbed my coffee cup, which crashed to the floor, shattering. Kayla cut her hand, tears immediately flowing.I glanced down at the coffee stain on my black outfit, grateful it wasn't too noticeable."Melanie, I didn't think you'd be this cruel! Why resort to violence?" Clyde's voice rose, and there he was, cradling Kayla close.Her wound was superficial, barely bleeding, but Clyde was beside himself with worry. "Are you all heartless? Get the first aid kit now! Call my doctor, get him here ASAP!"I watched the drama unfold, and Kayla was smirking victoriously. What was she so proud of? Was she proud of being loved by a man like that?Perhaps my indifferent stare pricked at her, for her tears flowed anew, her voice quivering."Mr. Patterson, I'm sorry. It's my fault for upsetting Melanie. But how can I control my heart? Is it wrong to fall in love?"Her tears were beautiful, each one shining with sorrow.Clyde wiped Kayla’s tears away and then glared at me. "What are you even doing here? You stopped coming to the office, didn't you?"I chuckled, surprised he noticed. Standing up, I looked down at the pitiful pair. "Clyde, I want a hundred thousand dollars in my account by today. Or else...""Or else what?" He glared as if I were his worst enemy.I smiled, pointing at the diamond necklace around Kayla's neck. "That should count as marital property. Legally, I'm entitled to a share. You have half an hour. If the money's not in my account, I'm calling the police. Your move."Before we walked down the aisle, Clyde and I had a prenup. He wanted a partner, and I was more interested in financial security. Each month, Clyde would transfer $200,000 into my account, assuring me I could ask for more if necessary.He often remarked that he knew my love for him was conditional on financial comforts. Otherwise, why would I have left him years ago for that wealthy heir from Silicon Valley, only to return after a two-year hiatus?Clyde remained clueless about the true identity of the "wealthy heir" everyone discussed until then, but he believed I was just another gold digger.Despite the monthly allowance, I rarely asked for money. Yet, even with $200,000 a month, I often scraped by. To prevent my cancer from returning, I relied on expensive medication and tests, which drained my finances.Today marked only the second time I'd asked Clyde for money since my mother’s funeral.Back then, he didn't hesitate to hand over one million dollars.But this time, he gently brushed Kayla's hair as if he hadn't heard my request, soothing her with tender words. After Kayla calmed down, he looked up at me with a cold smirk and said, “Want money? Fine, but first, apologize on your knees. You hurt Kayla. You owe her an apology!”Faking surprise at first, Kayla quickly switched to a smug smile. She tugged at Clyde's sleeve, acting coy. “Oh, come on, Clyde, let it go. I’m not that hurt. Maybe Melanie didn’t mean it.”“It doesn’t matter. Melanie needs to apologize. You’re my priority,” Clyde said, placing Kayla gently on the couch before pulling out his checkbook and scribbling a figure. “Apologize, and this five million dollars is yours.”I stared at the check, feeling momentarily relieved from the pain. Clyde had a history of inviting women over to humiliate me, but that was always behind closed doors. In public, no matter his antics, I was still Mrs. Patterson.This time, for Kayla, he was using money to degrade me, to make me bow my head. He knew I wouldn’t ask unless it was necessary. He wanted to crush my dignity to make me despise myself, and only then would he be satisfied.Standing there, I could feel everyone’s eyes on me, their disdain, suspicion, and pity.Kayla stared at me with defiance, reminding me of her earlier words, “The real homewrecker is someone who doesn't get any love!”Hand on my heart, the actual pain I was in was blasting past the emotional mess I was in.“No thanks,” I said, turning to leave the office and their judgmental stares behind me.He wanted to torment me because he hated me. But it was about more than just my pride then. If he knew the money was for life-saving treatment and still refused, he’d probably feel vindicated.Exhausted, I made my way home, my body on the brink of collapse. The pain from my cancer was relentless, a familiar enemy. Remembering my mother’s struggle, I forced myself to take some melatonin, hoping for even a moment’s reprieve.My phone buzzed with a message from the doctor.[Ms. Crawford, we can schedule your surgery for the next Monday. Please come by to make the payment in the next few days.]I checked my phone, no bank alerts or incoming funds. Closing my eyes, I accepted the reality that Clyde wouldn't help.Perhaps sensing my silence, the doctor sent another message, suggesting a deposit to secure the surgery date. I didn’t respond. Without money, how could I proceed?Lying in bed, I tried to empty my mind, planning to sell my designer bags the following day if necessary. Right then, I needed rest to survive the operation.In and out of sleep, I dreamt of a time when I was the cherished daughter of the Crawford family, and Clyde was just an orphan boy. I had convinced my father to sponsor him through school despite him not meeting the financial aid criteria.Later, I pursued Clyde despite his coldness and repeated rejections.One night, when I got harassed at a bar where Clyde worked, he called my name for the first time, "Melanie, don't be afraid."He got beaten up protecting me, but he made sure I was safe.Clinging to him in the hospital, I refused to let go, fearing he’d vanish if I did. “Clyde, you scared the hell out of me. You have to take responsibility now!”He managed a weak smile and agreed.Eventually, we fell for each other, even with everyone doubting us. Right before graduation, he sold his prized software to buy me a decent birthday present, a diamond necklace that brought me to tears.I was furious he sold his software, which was his half-year’s work, but he smiled and said, “My Melanie deserves the best in the world.”Woken by the notification sound, I saw $100,000 transferred to my account.With tears streaming down my face, I quickly messaged the doctor. [Tomorrow, I’ll come to complete the admission process.]Finally, I had the funds I needed.Chapter 2After college, I left my penniless boyfriend, chasing dreams and dollars with a wealthy heir abroad.Two years later, I was sent packing back home, only to find my ex had made it big. He went to great lengths to marry me.Everyone said he was head over heels, ready to let bygones be bygones.Little did they know that he turned the table on me, changing lovers like shirts in a twisted revenge. He'd confront me, demanding why I wasn't jealous, why I didn't care.I'd only smile back. "Why should I care when I'm gonna die anyway?"On our third anniversary, Clyde Patterson set off fireworks by the beach with Kayla Osborne while I curled up on the couch, endlessly dialing his number."Sorry, the number you are calling is not available..." The robotic voice echoed again, and I passed out.When I awoke, I was in a hospital bed, the doctor hesitating before me."How long do I have?" I asked calmly.He gave a bureaucratic sigh. "With surgery now and regular chemotherapy, there's still hope."I stared blankly at the ceiling, replying, "This is my second relapse."Pain pierced through me, sweat beading on my forehead."Ms. Crawford, a new drug could inhibit the cancer cells. Each dose is $50,000.""If you could keep up with the medication for six months after the surgery..." He stopped, knowing I couldn't afford it.I was Mrs. Patterson, the CEO's wife, but I was penniless, delaying my treatment further.Pulling myself up, I dressed. "Let's schedule the surgery first."The surgery was a few thousand dollars. Maybe I could manage that.Clutching the pendant around my neck, I felt an indescribable bitterness.Back home, I first thanked my neighbor, Brenda.She looked at me sympathetically. "Don’t mention it. It's Rocky you should thank. I wouldn't have known you had fainted if it wasn't for his barking. Good thing the ambulance came in time. You young folks need to look after yourselves."Rocky, my adopted Labrador, was my savior.One month after Clyde and I married, he brought another woman home. Their unabashed actions, loud as if to ensure I heard, were a slap in my face.He later justified it. "You reap what you sow."After a huge fight, I left home distraught, finding Rocky abandoned with distemper outside a vet clinic.Our eyes met in shared despair. Both of us got thrown away, clinging to life reluctantly.I traded my gold necklace to save Rocky. Then, he saved me.Choking up, I couldn't bring myself to pet him. "Brenda, I might need to be hospitalized for a while. Could you please look after Rocky for me?"Knowing Brenda's pet dog passed last year, I was sure she'd help. Sure enough, she agreed, urging me to take care of myself.Watching them leave, at least I knew Rocky would be cared for after I was gone.But returning home, I realized I had overestimated my resources. The surgery's cost was beyond my reach.Clyde was generous with expensive clothes, bags, and jewelry, but behind closed doors, every dress or jewelry for events required his approval. He claimed I never contributed to our home and didn't deserve unrestricted access to its luxuries.When glancing at my phone, the company gossip chat was abuzz with Clyde and Kayla's spectacle.[Is Mr. Patterson serious this time? Doesn't he change lovers monthly?][Definitely. Kayla's been with him for nearly three months, right?][They celebrated Valentine's Day by the beach with fireworks. It was so romantic. Did you see Kayla's diamond necklace? Blinded by its sparkle!][Wasn't Valentine's Day also when Mr. Patterson got married? Weren't we all there?]I laughed at the irony. My colleague remembered our anniversary, yet Clyde did not. I had hoped to settle things amicably, to part on good terms. Facing the cold dinner on the table, I stepped out, realizing I didn't need him, just the money.When I arrived at the Patterson Group, Kayla was basking in attention, flaunting the necklace Clyde had given her."Kayla, Mr. Patterson spoils you. That must've cost tens of thousands!""You kidding? That's from M's new collection, easily over a hundred thousand."Kayla adjusted her hair smugly. "Well, he insisted, saying nothing's too expensive for me."I watched from the office doorway, the irony biting. I was dying and without a penny for my surgery while Clyde easily splurged on his mistress.Kayla's eyes met mine with disdain. "Which department are you from? Don't know the company rules, huh?"Her companions nudged her, whispering. "Kayla, that's the boss's wife, Melanie Crawford."Her arrogance faltered, then flared again, "This is the famous campus belle, Melanie? What a joke."I looked like something straight out of a horror show then. Three months back, the cancer came knocking again, and I'd withered away to nothing but skin and bones.Then there was Kayla, pure and pretty as a picture, with her round face and bright eyes, a spitting image of the college me.Compared to her, I wasn't just plain Jane. I was like the walking dead. But what could I do? I was probably on my last leg.A colleague whispered a warning, "Mr. Patterson adores his wife. Don't stir trouble. Otherwise, you might bite off more than you can chew."See, everyone thought Clyde was head over heels for me. But no one knew he'd rather see me dead.Kayla scoffed but quickly plastered on a smile. "Melanie, Mr. Patterson's in the middle of an important video call. No interruptions. If you need anything, I can pass the message to him for you."She meant she could waltz into Clyde's office anytime, flaunting it in my face. Her smile was pretty if you ignored the scheming in her eyes. And that smile did remind me of a younger me. No wonder Clyde saw her as something special.Clyde's flings and assistants came and went, but it was more about gauging my reaction. At first, I'd fight back and argue with him. But I realized the more I did, the bolder he got. So, I pretended to see nothing. Even when he'd flaunt his affairs right before me, I could calmly shut the door behind them.But he never brought Kayla home or let me meet her. Yet, I would hear about their escapades through office gossip like movies, candlelit dinners, and matching outfits. I knew this was different. He was in love, not just playing around. I’d been through it all before in my youth.I settled myself in a chair, then fixed my gaze on Kayla. "No worries. I'll wait for him here. And could you get me a coffee? Two sugars, cream, thanks."Kayla didn't expect my composure. Her face twisted in annoyance. "Who do you think you are, asking me to get you coffee?""Who are you, exactly?" I looked at her calmly, emotionless.She was stunned, face turning red. That arrogant attitude was all too familiar. Poor Clyde, finding someone so similar to me.But someone immediately brought me my coffee, earning a brown-noser sneer from Kayla as the colleague hurried off.I chuckled lightly. "So, Ms. Osborne, you also know you’re not exactly front-page material?"Something in my words struck a nerve, and Kayla exploded in tears. "Who are you calling that? The real homewrecker is someone who doesn't get any love! Mr. Patterson hasn't loved you for ages. Clinging to him is your fault! Look at you. Who could love that?"She stormed over, intending to drag me up.I shook my head, pitying her youthful arrogance. I wasn't there to quarrel.My heart was dead when Clyde brought home two blondes the day after our first anniversary. Getting worked up for him was a waste of my dwindling life.Colleagues intervened as Kayla grabbed my coffee cup, which crashed to the floor, shattering. Kayla cut her hand, tears immediately flowing.I glanced down at the coffee stain on my black outfit, grateful it wasn't too noticeable."Melanie, I didn't think you'd be this cruel! Why resort to violence?" Clyde's voice rose, and there he was, cradling Kayla close.Her wound was superficial, barely bleeding, but Clyde was beside himself with worry. "Are you all heartless? Get the first aid kit now! Call my doctor, get him here ASAP!"I watched the drama unfold, and Kayla was smirking victoriously. What was she so proud of? Was she proud of being loved by a man like that?Perhaps my indifferent stare pricked at her, for her tears flowed anew, her voice quivering."Mr. Patterson, I'm sorry. It's my fault for upsetting Melanie. But how can I control my heart? Is it wrong to fall in love?"Her tears were beautiful, each one shining with sorrow.Clyde wiped Kayla’s tears away and then glared at me. "What are you even doing here? You stopped coming to the office, didn't you?"I chuckled, surprised he noticed. Standing up, I looked down at the pitiful pair. "Clyde, I want a hundred thousand dollars in my account by today. Or else...""Or else what?" He glared as if I were his worst enemy.I smiled, pointing at the diamond necklace around Kayla's neck. "That should count as marital property. Legally, I'm entitled to a share. You have half an hour. If the money's not in my account, I'm calling the police. Your move."Before we walked down the aisle, Clyde and I had a prenup. He wanted a partner, and I was more interested in financial security. Each month, Clyde would transfer $200,000 into my account, assuring me I could ask for more if necessary.He often remarked that he knew my love for him was conditional on financial comforts. Otherwise, why would I have left him years ago for that wealthy heir from Silicon Valley, only to return after a two-year hiatus?Clyde remained clueless about the true identity of the "wealthy heir" everyone discussed until then, but he believed I was just another gold digger.Despite the monthly allowance, I rarely asked for money. Yet, even with $200,000 a month, I often scraped by. To prevent my cancer from returning, I relied on expensive medication and tests, which drained my finances.Today marked only the second time I'd asked Clyde for money since my mother’s funeral.Back then, he didn't hesitate to hand over one million dollars.But this time, he gently brushed Kayla's hair as if he hadn't heard my request, soothing her with tender words. After Kayla calmed down, he looked up at me with a cold smirk and said, “Want money? Fine, but first, apologize on your knees. You hurt Kayla. You owe her an apology!”Faking surprise at first, Kayla quickly switched to a smug smile. She tugged at Clyde's sleeve, acting coy. “Oh, come on, Clyde, let it go. I’m not that hurt. Maybe Melanie didn’t mean it.”“It doesn’t matter. Melanie needs to apologize. You’re my priority,” Clyde said, placing Kayla gently on the couch before pulling out his checkbook and scribbling a figure. “Apologize, and this five million dollars is yours.”I stared at the check, feeling momentarily relieved from the pain. Clyde had a history of inviting women over to humiliate me, but that was always behind closed doors. In public, no matter his antics, I was still Mrs. Patterson.This time, for Kayla, he was using money to degrade me, to make me bow my head. He knew I wouldn’t ask unless it was necessary. He wanted to crush my dignity to make me despise myself, and only then would he be satisfied.Standing there, I could feel everyone’s eyes on me, their disdain, suspicion, and pity.Kayla stared at me with defiance, reminding me of her earlier words, “The real homewrecker is someone who doesn't get any love!”Hand on my heart, the actual pain I was in was blasting past the emotional mess I was in.“No thanks,” I said, turning to leave the office and their judgmental stares behind me.He wanted to torment me because he hated me. But it was about more than just my pride then. If he knew the money was for life-saving treatment and still refused, he’d probably feel vindicated.Exhausted, I made my way home, my body on the brink of collapse. The pain from my cancer was relentless, a familiar enemy. Remembering my mother’s struggle, I forced myself to take some melatonin, hoping for even a moment’s reprieve.My phone buzzed with a message from the doctor.[Ms. Crawford, we can schedule your surgery for the next Monday. Please come by to make the payment in the next few days.]I checked my phone, no bank alerts or incoming funds. Closing my eyes, I accepted the reality that Clyde wouldn't help.Perhaps sensing my silence, the doctor sent another message, suggesting a deposit to secure the surgery date. I didn’t respond. Without money, how could I proceed?Lying in bed, I tried to empty my mind, planning to sell my designer bags the following day if necessary. Right then, I needed rest to survive the operation.In and out of sleep, I dreamt of a time when I was the cherished daughter of the Crawford family, and Clyde was just an orphan boy. I had convinced my father to sponsor him through school despite him not meeting the financial aid criteria.Later, I pursued Clyde despite his coldness and repeated rejections.One night, when I got harassed at a bar where Clyde worked, he called my name for the first time, "Melanie, don't be afraid."He got beaten up protecting me, but he made sure I was safe.Clinging to him in the hospital, I refused to let go, fearing he’d vanish if I did. “Clyde, you scared the hell out of me. You have to take responsibility now!”He managed a weak smile and agreed.Eventually, we fell for each other, even with everyone doubting us. Right before graduation, he sold his prized software to buy me a decent birthday present, a diamond necklace that brought me to tears.I was furious he sold his software, which was his half-year’s work, but he smiled and said, “My Melanie deserves the best in the world.”Woken by the notification sound, I saw $100,000 transferred to my account.With tears streaming down my face, I quickly messaged the doctor. [Tomorrow, I’ll come to complete the admission process.]Finally, I had the funds I needed.Chapter 3After college, I left my penniless boyfriend, chasing dreams and dollars with a wealthy heir abroad.Two years later, I was sent packing back home, only to find my ex had made it big. He went to great lengths to marry me.Everyone said he was head over heels, ready to let bygones be bygones.Little did they know that he turned the table on me, changing lovers like shirts in a twisted revenge. He'd confront me, demanding why I wasn't jealous, why I didn't care.I'd only smile back. "Why should I care when I'm gonna die anyway?"On our third anniversary, Clyde Patterson set off fireworks by the beach with Kayla Osborne while I curled up on the couch, endlessly dialing his number."Sorry, the number you are calling is not available..." The robotic voice echoed again, and I passed out.When I awoke, I was in a hospital bed, the doctor hesitating before me."How long do I have?" I asked calmly.He gave a bureaucratic sigh. "With surgery now and regular chemotherapy, there's still hope."I stared blankly at the ceiling, replying, "This is my second relapse."Pain pierced through me, sweat beading on my forehead."Ms. Crawford, a new drug could inhibit the cancer cells. Each dose is $50,000.""If you could keep up with the medication for six months after the surgery..." He stopped, knowing I couldn't afford it.I was Mrs. Patterson, the CEO's wife, but I was penniless, delaying my treatment further.Pulling myself up, I dressed. "Let's schedule the surgery first."The surgery was a few thousand dollars. Maybe I could manage that.Clutching the pendant around my neck, I felt an indescribable bitterness.Back home, I first thanked my neighbor, Brenda.She looked at me sympathetically. "Don’t mention it. It's Rocky you should thank. I wouldn't have known you had fainted if it wasn't for his barking. Good thing the ambulance came in time. You young folks need to look after yourselves."Rocky, my adopted Labrador, was my savior.One month after Clyde and I married, he brought another woman home. Their unabashed actions, loud as if to ensure I heard, were a slap in my face.He later justified it. "You reap what you sow."After a huge fight, I left home distraught, finding Rocky abandoned with distemper outside a vet clinic.Our eyes met in shared despair. Both of us got thrown away, clinging to life reluctantly.I traded my gold necklace to save Rocky. Then, he saved me.Choking up, I couldn't bring myself to pet him. "Brenda, I might need to be hospitalized for a while. Could you please look after Rocky for me?"Knowing Brenda's pet dog passed last year, I was sure she'd help. Sure enough, she agreed, urging me to take care of myself.Watching them leave, at least I knew Rocky would be cared for after I was gone.But returning home, I realized I had overestimated my resources. The surgery's cost was beyond my reach.Clyde was generous with expensive clothes, bags, and jewelry, but behind closed doors, every dress or jewelry for events required his approval. He claimed I never contributed to our home and didn't deserve unrestricted access to its luxuries.When glancing at my phone, the company gossip chat was abuzz with Clyde and Kayla's spectacle.[Is Mr. Patterson serious this time? Doesn't he change lovers monthly?][Definitely. Kayla's been with him for nearly three months, right?][They celebrated Valentine's Day by the beach with fireworks. It was so romantic. Did you see Kayla's diamond necklace? Blinded by its sparkle!][Wasn't Valentine's Day also when Mr. Patterson got married? Weren't we all there?]I laughed at the irony. My colleague remembered our anniversary, yet Clyde did not. I had hoped to settle things amicably, to part on good terms. Facing the cold dinner on the table, I stepped out, realizing I didn't need him, just the money.When I arrived at the Patterson Group, Kayla was basking in attention, flaunting the necklace Clyde had given her."Kayla, Mr. Patterson spoils you. That must've cost tens of thousands!""You kidding? That's from M's new collection, easily over a hundred thousand."Kayla adjusted her hair smugly. "Well, he insisted, saying nothing's too expensive for me."I watched from the office doorway, the irony biting. I was dying and without a penny for my surgery while Clyde easily splurged on his mistress.Kayla's eyes met mine with disdain. "Which department are you from? Don't know the company rules, huh?"Her companions nudged her, whispering. "Kayla, that's the boss's wife, Melanie Crawford."Her arrogance faltered, then flared again, "This is the famous campus belle, Melanie? What a joke."I looked like something straight out of a horror show then. Three months back, the cancer came knocking again, and I'd withered away to nothing but skin and bones.Then there was Kayla, pure and pretty as a picture, with her round face and bright eyes, a spitting image of the college me.Compared to her, I wasn't just plain Jane. I was like the walking dead. But what could I do? I was probably on my last leg.A colleague whispered a warning, "Mr. Patterson adores his wife. Don't stir trouble. Otherwise, you might bite off more than you can chew."See, everyone thought Clyde was head over heels for me. But no one knew he'd rather see me dead.Kayla scoffed but quickly plastered on a smile. "Melanie, Mr. Patterson's in the middle of an important video call. No interruptions. If you need anything, I can pass the message to him for you."She meant she could waltz into Clyde's office anytime, flaunting it in my face. Her smile was pretty if you ignored the scheming in her eyes. And that smile did remind me of a younger me. No wonder Clyde saw her as something special.Clyde's flings and assistants came and went, but it was more about gauging my reaction. At first, I'd fight back and argue with him. But I realized the more I did, the bolder he got. So, I pretended to see nothing. Even when he'd flaunt his affairs right before me, I could calmly shut the door behind them.But he never brought Kayla home or let me meet her. Yet, I would hear about their escapades through office gossip like movies, candlelit dinners, and matching outfits. I knew this was different. He was in love, not just playing around. I’d been through it all before in my youth.I settled myself in a chair, then fixed my gaze on Kayla. "No worries. I'll wait for him here. And could you get me a coffee? Two sugars, cream, thanks."Kayla didn't expect my composure. Her face twisted in annoyance. "Who do you think you are, asking me to get you coffee?""Who are you, exactly?" I looked at her calmly, emotionless.She was stunned, face turning red. That arrogant attitude was all too familiar. Poor Clyde, finding someone so similar to me.But someone immediately brought me my coffee, earning a brown-noser sneer from Kayla as the colleague hurried off.I chuckled lightly. "So, Ms. Osborne, you also know you’re not exactly front-page material?"Something in my words struck a nerve, and Kayla exploded in tears. "Who are you calling that? The real homewrecker is someone who doesn't get any love! Mr. Patterson hasn't loved you for ages. Clinging to him is your fault! Look at you. Who could love that?"She stormed over, intending to drag me up.I shook my head, pitying her youthful arrogance. I wasn't there to quarrel.My heart was dead when Clyde brought home two blondes the day after our first anniversary. Getting worked up for him was a waste of my dwindling life.Colleagues intervened as Kayla grabbed my coffee cup, which crashed to the floor, shattering. Kayla cut her hand, tears immediately flowing.I glanced down at the coffee stain on my black outfit, grateful it wasn't too noticeable."Melanie, I didn't think you'd be this cruel! Why resort to violence?" Clyde's voice rose, and there he was, cradling Kayla close.Her wound was superficial, barely bleeding, but Clyde was beside himself with worry. "Are you all heartless? Get the first aid kit now! Call my doctor, get him here ASAP!"I watched the drama unfold, and Kayla was smirking victoriously. What was she so proud of? Was she proud of being loved by a man like that?Perhaps my indifferent stare pricked at her, for her tears flowed anew, her voice quivering."Mr. Patterson, I'm sorry. It's my fault for upsetting Melanie. But how can I control my heart? Is it wrong to fall in love?"Her tears were beautiful, each one shining with sorrow.Clyde wiped Kayla’s tears away and then glared at me. "What are you even doing here? You stopped coming to the office, didn't you?"I chuckled, surprised he noticed. Standing up, I looked down at the pitiful pair. "Clyde, I want a hundred thousand dollars in my account by today. Or else...""Or else what?" He glared as if I were his worst enemy.I smiled, pointing at the diamond necklace around Kayla's neck. "That should count as marital property. Legally, I'm entitled to a share. You have half an hour. If the money's not in my account, I'm calling the police. Your move."Before we walked down the aisle, Clyde and I had a prenup. He wanted a partner, and I was more interested in financial security. Each month, Clyde would transfer $200,000 into my account, assuring me I could ask for more if necessary.He often remarked that he knew my love for him was conditional on financial comforts. Otherwise, why would I have left him years ago for that wealthy heir from Silicon Valley, only to return after a two-year hiatus?Clyde remained clueless about the true identity of the "wealthy heir" everyone discussed until then, but he believed I was just another gold digger.Despite the monthly allowance, I rarely asked for money. Yet, even with $200,000 a month, I often scraped by. To prevent my cancer from returning, I relied on expensive medication and tests, which drained my finances.Today marked only the second time I'd asked Clyde for money since my mother’s funeral.Back then, he didn't hesitate to hand over one million dollars.But this time, he gently brushed Kayla's hair as if he hadn't heard my request, soothing her with tender words. After Kayla calmed down, he looked up at me with a cold smirk and said, “Want money? Fine, but first, apologize on your knees. You hurt Kayla. You owe her an apology!”Faking surprise at first, Kayla quickly switched to a smug smile. She tugged at Clyde's sleeve, acting coy. “Oh, come on, Clyde, let it go. I’m not that hurt. Maybe Melanie didn’t mean it.”“It doesn’t matter. Melanie needs to apologize. You’re my priority,” Clyde said, placing Kayla gently on the couch before pulling out his checkbook and scribbling a figure. “Apologize, and this five million dollars is yours.”I stared at the check, feeling momentarily relieved from the pain. Clyde had a history of inviting women over to humiliate me, but that was always behind closed doors. In public, no matter his antics, I was still Mrs. Patterson.This time, for Kayla, he was using money to degrade me, to make me bow my head. He knew I wouldn’t ask unless it was necessary. He wanted to crush my dignity to make me despise myself, and only then would he be satisfied.Standing there, I could feel everyone’s eyes on me, their disdain, suspicion, and pity.Kayla stared at me with defiance, reminding me of her earlier words, “The real homewrecker is someone who doesn't get any love!”Hand on my heart, the actual pain I was in was blasting past the emotional mess I was in.“No thanks,” I said, turning to leave the office and their judgmental stares behind me.He wanted to torment me because he hated me. But it was about more than just my pride then. If he knew the money was for life-saving treatment and still refused, he’d probably feel vindicated.Exhausted, I made my way home, my body on the brink of collapse. The pain from my cancer was relentless, a familiar enemy. Remembering my mother’s struggle, I forced myself to take some melatonin, hoping for even a moment’s reprieve.My phone buzzed with a message from the doctor.[Ms. Crawford, we can schedule your surgery for the next Monday. Please come by to make the payment in the next few days.]I checked my phone, no bank alerts or incoming funds. Closing my eyes, I accepted the reality that Clyde wouldn't help.Perhaps sensing my silence, the doctor sent another message, suggesting a deposit to secure the surgery date. I didn’t respond. Without money, how could I proceed?Lying in bed, I tried to empty my mind, planning to sell my designer bags the following day if necessary. Right then, I needed rest to survive the operation.In and out of sleep, I dreamt of a time when I was the cherished daughter of the Crawford family, and Clyde was just an orphan boy. I had convinced my father to sponsor him through school despite him not meeting the financial aid criteria.Later, I pursued Clyde despite his coldness and repeated rejections.One night, when I got harassed at a bar where Clyde worked, he called my name for the first time, "Melanie, don't be afraid."He got beaten up protecting me, but he made sure I was safe.Clinging to him in the hospital, I refused to let go, fearing he’d vanish if I did. “Clyde, you scared the hell out of me. You have to take responsibility now!”He managed a weak smile and agreed.Eventually, we fell for each other, even with everyone doubting us. Right before graduation, he sold his prized software to buy me a decent birthday present, a diamond necklace that brought me to tears.I was furious he sold his software, which was his half-year’s work, but he smiled and said, “My Melanie deserves the best in the world.”Woken by the notification sound, I saw $100,000 transferred to my account.With tears streaming down my face, I quickly messaged the doctor. [Tomorrow, I’ll come to complete the admission process.]Finally, I had the funds I needed.

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