After six years together, Murray Sherwood wrapped his arms around his new flame and broke it off with Roseanne Cole. Calmly and without a scene, Roseanne packed her bags, took a hefty breakup payout, and moved out decisively. Murray's friends immediately started betting on how long she could hold out. The whole town knew how deeply Roseanne loved Murray — she loved him so much that it seemed she had lost her self-respect and her temper, and they were sure she would come crawling back within three days. But three days went by, then another three... and Murray was the one who couldn't take it anymore. For the first time, he caved and called Roseanne. "Have you had enough drama? If so, come back..." Instead of Roseanne's voice, he heard a man's low chuckle. "Mr. Sherwood, once you've let an arrow fly, you can't take it back, just like you can't undo a breakup." "I want to talk to Roseanne. Give her the phone!" "Sorry, my girlfriend just went to sleep. She's tired."

Chapter 1Everyone in the circle knew Roseanne Cole was head over heels for Murray Sherwood. She was so crazy about him, it was like she had no life outside of him, totally wrapped up in his world all the time.Every time they broke up, it took less than three days for Roseanne to come crawling back, begging for reconciliation. Those words would never escape hers in a world where "let's break up" seemed on everyone’s lips.The room fell into an eerie silence for five seconds when Murray walked in with his new flame.Roseanne, in the middle of peeling an orange, stopped cold. "Why's it so quiet in here? Why's everyone staring at me?""Anne..." Her friends gave her worried glances.But Murray acted as if nothing was amiss, wrapping his arm around his woman and sitting on the couch. "Happy birthday, Cliff."He was so brazen and nonchalant.Roseanne stood up. It was Cliff's birthday, and she didn't want to make a scene."Excuse me. I'm going to powder my nose." she said.She closed the door behind her and could hear the conversation picking back up."Murray, Roseanne's here. Didn't I give you a heads-up? Why'd you bring her along?""Seriously, Murray, you've crossed the line this time.""It's fine," Murray loosened his grip on the woman's waist and lit a cigarette, a smile playing on his lips, looking every bit the charming rogue.The rest of the conversation was unclear as the door shut. Having regained the composure in the restroom and touched up the makeup, Roseanne looked at her reflection and curled her lips in disdain. "How pathetic."Indeed, she was living a pathetic life.Taking a deep breath, Roseanne made up her mind. Yet, the scene greeting her as she pushed the door open and returned to the room made her grip the doorknob tightly, almost losing her composure.Murray was pressing his lips against the woman's, their saliva moistening the napkin between them.Laughter and cheers erupted around them."Damn, Murray is good at that!""They're at it! They're at it!""The mood's set. Give us a show!"Roseanne's hand on the doorknob trembled. That was the man she had loved for six years, and at that moment, she only felt bitter irony."Hey, knock it off..." Someone murmured, gesturing toward the door.Everyone turned to look."Anne, you're back? It's all in good fun. Don't take it to heart..."But Murray cut him off, glancing over calmly. "Roseanne, since you're here today, let's lay everything out."Roseanne nodded. "Sure, go ahead."Murray cut to the chase. "We've been on and off for years, and to be honest, I'm just tired of it. There's nothing left between us."Roseanne clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palms, yet she felt no pain.Huh! Six years of love had ended with, "There’s nothing left between us."Murray continued, "Millie's a great girl, and I want to make things official with her."Roseanne numbly nodded. "Okay."Murray looked at Roseanne. "Even though we break up, we're still friends. You can still call me if you need anything in Lumina City.""No need," Roseanne forced a smile, light as air. "If it's over, let's end it cleanly, to be fair to the lady."Murray raised an eyebrow, seemingly surprised."Cliff," Roseanne turned to the birthday boy. "Happy birthday. I hope everyone enjoys themselves. I’m leaving now. I peeled the plate of oranges on the table. Enjoy, and don't waste them."Murray didn't like fruit, except for oranges. But he was picky, insisting on removing every piece of pith before he'd eat them.Over the years, to ensure he had his daily fruit, Roseanne always meticulously peeled and cleaned the oranges, arranging them neatly on a plate for him.He'd hug her and coo, "My girlfriend's too good. God, what a lucky guy I am!""Do you want to my wife?" He always knew what she wanted but never offered it freely.Murray offered, “I’ll have my driver take you home.”“No need. I’ve called an Uber.”Cliff intervened, “Roseanne, let me walk you to the door.”Roseanne waved him off and turned to leave.“Murray, look at the mess... I think Roseanne is genuinely upset this time.”“Nah, it’s nothing.”“Exactly! How many times have they had a spat? And every time, Roseanne returned after a few days, acting like nothing was wrong at the next party.”“I bet five days.”“I say six.”Murray glanced at the door left ajar, his smile tinged with coldness. “I bet three hours tops. She’ll come running back to me.”“Right, Murray’s a sure win. The whole world knows Roseanne is madly in love with him.”“Man, why can’t any woman be that devoted to me?”“You? Dream on, pal!”The guys burst into laughter.Returning to the mansion past midnight, Roseanne took half an hour to pack.She’d been there three years, but when she left, all her important stuff fit into just one suitcase.The walk-in closet was full of unworn designer clothes, the jewelry never worn, and she left it all behind.The only regret was the wall of professional books. Luckily, Roseanne had the content memorized. The medium was no longer significant.Her gaze swept over the vanity, and she walked over to open a drawer. Inside was a check for seventy million dollars. Beneath the check was a contract for the property transfer at 72 Eastwood Acres.Despite being in the suburbs, it was conservatively worth twenty million. Murray signed both items during a previous breakup scare and tucked them away in the drawer, betting that Roseanne wouldn't dare to take them. Because to take them would mean the end of their relationship.Six years for seventy million? Suddenly, Roseanne felt it wasn’t a loss. How many women could claim their youth was worth that much? She packed both items into her bag.Roseanne thought, ‘Why not take what he gives me? Without love, at least there’s money.’She wasn’t some naive heroine from a romance novel who saw money as dirt.“Hello, cleaning service? Do you take rush orders?”“Yes, a big clean-up. I’ll pay extra.”Leaving the keys in the foyer, Roseanne got into the taxi, heading straight for her best friend’s place.On the way, the cleaning lady called again to confirm. “Are you sure you don't want to take any of this stuff with you?”Roseanne replied, “Yeah, do whatever you see fit.”After hanging up, Murray arrived home in the wee hours to find the cleaning lady had finished and left. The overpowering scent of perfume was giving him a headache. Loosening his collar, he sat on the couch, only to fall asleep there.The next day, he woke to the familiar clanking sound of the dishes in the kitchen. He sat up, rubbing his temples while reaching for his water glass, only to grab at thin air. His hand paused mid-air above the coffee table.Then, he smirked slightly, thinking Roseanne had returned. The blanket was on him, but she hadn't prepared his hangover tea.‘She hasn’t had enough of “incomplete confrontation” over the years, huh?’ Murray thought and stood up. “Today, you’d better...”“Mr. Sherwood, you’re awake?”Murray looked surprised. “Sadie?”Sadie said respectfully, “Please freshen up. Breakfast will be ready in two minutes. Oh, were you cold sleeping here? I turned on the heating and added an extra blanket just in case.”“Right.”At the breakfast table, Murray frowned. "Where's the cereal?"Sadie wasn’t sure. "You mean the blueberry almond oatmeal?""Blueberry almond oatmeal?" Murray was curious.Sadie added, "Yeah, the one Ms. Cole used to make with low-fat milk, frozen almonds, and blueberries, right? Oh, I didn't have time to prepare that. Just freezing the almonds and blueberries takes a long time, and you must get up early to start making it.""And the proportion has to be just right. I don't have Ms. Cole's patience to do it accurately. It just wouldn't taste the same. Also..."Murray interrupted, "Get me some beef paste.""Coming right up, Mr. Sherwood.""This doesn't taste right." Murray glanced at the jar. "And the packaging is off."Sadie explained, "That jar ran out. That is all we had."Murray ordered, "Grab a couple from the supermarket later and stock them at home.""We can't find it there." Sadie offered an awkward smile. "Ms. Cole used to make it herself. I don't know how to..."Crash!Sadie asked, "Eh? Mr. Sherwood, you're not eating?"Murray scoffed, "Hmm, not in the mood."Sadie watched Murray ascend the stairs, utterly baffled, wondering why he suddenly lost his temper...."Laziness incarnate! Time to rise and shine!"Roseanne turned over, barely opening her eyes. "Quiet down. Let me sleep a bit more..."With her makeup perfectly done, Leda Reynolds was choosing a purse. "It's almost eight. Don't you have to rush back to make breakfast for Mr. Sherwood?"Roseanne sometimes spent the night, but she always rushed back home before dawn to whip up her blueberry almond oatmeal for Murray and his sensitive stomach.Leda found it ridiculous.Was Murray laid up or something? Couldn't he just order some takeout on his phone?It was all just spoiling him rotten!Deeply asleep, Roseanne brushed off the comment with a wave. "Not going back. We broke up.""Oh, planning to split for a few days, then?" Leda teased, "Then sleep well. Breakfast is on the table. I'm off to work. I have a date tonight, so you don’t need to cook for me. You'll probably head back soon anyway. Could you close the balcony window on your way out?"Roseanne woke up hungry. Munching on her best friend's sandwich, she gazed at the brilliant sunshine, struggling to recall the last time she woke up naturally.After finishing her brunch, she changed and headed straight for the bank to cash a check for fifty million. It was always safer to have the money in hand.Then, she visited the bank next door. "I need to speak with your private banking advisor. I want to deposit ten million."The branch manager offered a decent annual interest rate. Roseanne negotiated for an additional two percentage points, reaching a satisfactory agreement. Following the same strategy, she deposited ten million in two other banks, negotiating better rates each time.When exiting the last bank, Roseanne was a millionaire, armed with three black cards, thirty million dollars in deposits, and twenty million in liquid assets."Not a bad split," she thought, having essentially struck gold overnight.Passing by a bustling hair salon, Roseanne walked in. She instantly splurged on a two-thousand-dollar membership for VIP service.Sitting in front of the mirror, Roseanne looked at her brown, wavy hair and felt a tinge of disdain for the first time.The hairdresser praised, "Darling, your hair's fantastic, like a doll's..."She kept her hair long and wavy because Murray loved the feel of it, especially the atmospheric vibe it gave off after their intimate moments. But maintaining beautiful curls meant dedicating even more time to grooming.Chapter 2Everyone in the circle knew Roseanne Cole was head over heels for Murray Sherwood. She was so crazy about him, it was like she had no life outside of him, totally wrapped up in his world all the time.Every time they broke up, it took less than three days for Roseanne to come crawling back, begging for reconciliation. Those words would never escape hers in a world where "let's break up" seemed on everyone’s lips.The room fell into an eerie silence for five seconds when Murray walked in with his new flame.Roseanne, in the middle of peeling an orange, stopped cold. "Why's it so quiet in here? Why's everyone staring at me?""Anne..." Her friends gave her worried glances.But Murray acted as if nothing was amiss, wrapping his arm around his woman and sitting on the couch. "Happy birthday, Cliff."He was so brazen and nonchalant.Roseanne stood up. It was Cliff's birthday, and she didn't want to make a scene."Excuse me. I'm going to powder my nose." she said.She closed the door behind her and could hear the conversation picking back up."Murray, Roseanne's here. Didn't I give you a heads-up? Why'd you bring her along?""Seriously, Murray, you've crossed the line this time.""It's fine," Murray loosened his grip on the woman's waist and lit a cigarette, a smile playing on his lips, looking every bit the charming rogue.The rest of the conversation was unclear as the door shut. Having regained the composure in the restroom and touched up the makeup, Roseanne looked at her reflection and curled her lips in disdain. "How pathetic."Indeed, she was living a pathetic life.Taking a deep breath, Roseanne made up her mind. Yet, the scene greeting her as she pushed the door open and returned to the room made her grip the doorknob tightly, almost losing her composure.Murray was pressing his lips against the woman's, their saliva moistening the napkin between them.Laughter and cheers erupted around them."Damn, Murray is good at that!""They're at it! They're at it!""The mood's set. Give us a show!"Roseanne's hand on the doorknob trembled. That was the man she had loved for six years, and at that moment, she only felt bitter irony."Hey, knock it off..." Someone murmured, gesturing toward the door.Everyone turned to look."Anne, you're back? It's all in good fun. Don't take it to heart..."But Murray cut him off, glancing over calmly. "Roseanne, since you're here today, let's lay everything out."Roseanne nodded. "Sure, go ahead."Murray cut to the chase. "We've been on and off for years, and to be honest, I'm just tired of it. There's nothing left between us."Roseanne clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palms, yet she felt no pain.Huh! Six years of love had ended with, "There’s nothing left between us."Murray continued, "Millie's a great girl, and I want to make things official with her."Roseanne numbly nodded. "Okay."Murray looked at Roseanne. "Even though we break up, we're still friends. You can still call me if you need anything in Lumina City.""No need," Roseanne forced a smile, light as air. "If it's over, let's end it cleanly, to be fair to the lady."Murray raised an eyebrow, seemingly surprised."Cliff," Roseanne turned to the birthday boy. "Happy birthday. I hope everyone enjoys themselves. I’m leaving now. I peeled the plate of oranges on the table. Enjoy, and don't waste them."Murray didn't like fruit, except for oranges. But he was picky, insisting on removing every piece of pith before he'd eat them.Over the years, to ensure he had his daily fruit, Roseanne always meticulously peeled and cleaned the oranges, arranging them neatly on a plate for him.He'd hug her and coo, "My girlfriend's too good. God, what a lucky guy I am!""Do you want to my wife?" He always knew what she wanted but never offered it freely.Murray offered, “I’ll have my driver take you home.”“No need. I’ve called an Uber.”Cliff intervened, “Roseanne, let me walk you to the door.”Roseanne waved him off and turned to leave.“Murray, look at the mess... I think Roseanne is genuinely upset this time.”“Nah, it’s nothing.”“Exactly! How many times have they had a spat? And every time, Roseanne returned after a few days, acting like nothing was wrong at the next party.”“I bet five days.”“I say six.”Murray glanced at the door left ajar, his smile tinged with coldness. “I bet three hours tops. She’ll come running back to me.”“Right, Murray’s a sure win. The whole world knows Roseanne is madly in love with him.”“Man, why can’t any woman be that devoted to me?”“You? Dream on, pal!”The guys burst into laughter.Returning to the mansion past midnight, Roseanne took half an hour to pack.She’d been there three years, but when she left, all her important stuff fit into just one suitcase.The walk-in closet was full of unworn designer clothes, the jewelry never worn, and she left it all behind.The only regret was the wall of professional books. Luckily, Roseanne had the content memorized. The medium was no longer significant.Her gaze swept over the vanity, and she walked over to open a drawer. Inside was a check for seventy million dollars. Beneath the check was a contract for the property transfer at 72 Eastwood Acres.Despite being in the suburbs, it was conservatively worth twenty million. Murray signed both items during a previous breakup scare and tucked them away in the drawer, betting that Roseanne wouldn't dare to take them. Because to take them would mean the end of their relationship.Six years for seventy million? Suddenly, Roseanne felt it wasn’t a loss. How many women could claim their youth was worth that much? She packed both items into her bag.Roseanne thought, ‘Why not take what he gives me? Without love, at least there’s money.’She wasn’t some naive heroine from a romance novel who saw money as dirt.“Hello, cleaning service? Do you take rush orders?”“Yes, a big clean-up. I’ll pay extra.”Leaving the keys in the foyer, Roseanne got into the taxi, heading straight for her best friend’s place.On the way, the cleaning lady called again to confirm. “Are you sure you don't want to take any of this stuff with you?”Roseanne replied, “Yeah, do whatever you see fit.”After hanging up, Murray arrived home in the wee hours to find the cleaning lady had finished and left. The overpowering scent of perfume was giving him a headache. Loosening his collar, he sat on the couch, only to fall asleep there.The next day, he woke to the familiar clanking sound of the dishes in the kitchen. He sat up, rubbing his temples while reaching for his water glass, only to grab at thin air. His hand paused mid-air above the coffee table.Then, he smirked slightly, thinking Roseanne had returned. The blanket was on him, but she hadn't prepared his hangover tea.‘She hasn’t had enough of “incomplete confrontation” over the years, huh?’ Murray thought and stood up. “Today, you’d better...”“Mr. Sherwood, you’re awake?”Murray looked surprised. “Sadie?”Sadie said respectfully, “Please freshen up. Breakfast will be ready in two minutes. Oh, were you cold sleeping here? I turned on the heating and added an extra blanket just in case.”“Right.”At the breakfast table, Murray frowned. "Where's the cereal?"Sadie wasn’t sure. "You mean the blueberry almond oatmeal?""Blueberry almond oatmeal?" Murray was curious.Sadie added, "Yeah, the one Ms. Cole used to make with low-fat milk, frozen almonds, and blueberries, right? Oh, I didn't have time to prepare that. Just freezing the almonds and blueberries takes a long time, and you must get up early to start making it.""And the proportion has to be just right. I don't have Ms. Cole's patience to do it accurately. It just wouldn't taste the same. Also..."Murray interrupted, "Get me some beef paste.""Coming right up, Mr. Sherwood.""This doesn't taste right." Murray glanced at the jar. "And the packaging is off."Sadie explained, "That jar ran out. That is all we had."Murray ordered, "Grab a couple from the supermarket later and stock them at home.""We can't find it there." Sadie offered an awkward smile. "Ms. Cole used to make it herself. I don't know how to..."Crash!Sadie asked, "Eh? Mr. Sherwood, you're not eating?"Murray scoffed, "Hmm, not in the mood."Sadie watched Murray ascend the stairs, utterly baffled, wondering why he suddenly lost his temper...."Laziness incarnate! Time to rise and shine!"Roseanne turned over, barely opening her eyes. "Quiet down. Let me sleep a bit more..."With her makeup perfectly done, Leda Reynolds was choosing a purse. "It's almost eight. Don't you have to rush back to make breakfast for Mr. Sherwood?"Roseanne sometimes spent the night, but she always rushed back home before dawn to whip up her blueberry almond oatmeal for Murray and his sensitive stomach.Leda found it ridiculous.Was Murray laid up or something? Couldn't he just order some takeout on his phone?It was all just spoiling him rotten!Deeply asleep, Roseanne brushed off the comment with a wave. "Not going back. We broke up.""Oh, planning to split for a few days, then?" Leda teased, "Then sleep well. Breakfast is on the table. I'm off to work. I have a date tonight, so you don’t need to cook for me. You'll probably head back soon anyway. Could you close the balcony window on your way out?"Roseanne woke up hungry. Munching on her best friend's sandwich, she gazed at the brilliant sunshine, struggling to recall the last time she woke up naturally.After finishing her brunch, she changed and headed straight for the bank to cash a check for fifty million. It was always safer to have the money in hand.Then, she visited the bank next door. "I need to speak with your private banking advisor. I want to deposit ten million."The branch manager offered a decent annual interest rate. Roseanne negotiated for an additional two percentage points, reaching a satisfactory agreement. Following the same strategy, she deposited ten million in two other banks, negotiating better rates each time.When exiting the last bank, Roseanne was a millionaire, armed with three black cards, thirty million dollars in deposits, and twenty million in liquid assets."Not a bad split," she thought, having essentially struck gold overnight.Passing by a bustling hair salon, Roseanne walked in. She instantly splurged on a two-thousand-dollar membership for VIP service.Sitting in front of the mirror, Roseanne looked at her brown, wavy hair and felt a tinge of disdain for the first time.The hairdresser praised, "Darling, your hair's fantastic, like a doll's..."She kept her hair long and wavy because Murray loved the feel of it, especially the atmospheric vibe it gave off after their intimate moments. But maintaining beautiful curls meant dedicating even more time to grooming.Chapter 3Everyone in the circle knew Roseanne Cole was head over heels for Murray Sherwood. She was so crazy about him, it was like she had no life outside of him, totally wrapped up in his world all the time.Every time they broke up, it took less than three days for Roseanne to come crawling back, begging for reconciliation. Those words would never escape hers in a world where "let's break up" seemed on everyone’s lips.The room fell into an eerie silence for five seconds when Murray walked in with his new flame.Roseanne, in the middle of peeling an orange, stopped cold. "Why's it so quiet in here? Why's everyone staring at me?""Anne..." Her friends gave her worried glances.But Murray acted as if nothing was amiss, wrapping his arm around his woman and sitting on the couch. "Happy birthday, Cliff."He was so brazen and nonchalant.Roseanne stood up. It was Cliff's birthday, and she didn't want to make a scene."Excuse me. I'm going to powder my nose." she said.She closed the door behind her and could hear the conversation picking back up."Murray, Roseanne's here. Didn't I give you a heads-up? Why'd you bring her along?""Seriously, Murray, you've crossed the line this time.""It's fine," Murray loosened his grip on the woman's waist and lit a cigarette, a smile playing on his lips, looking every bit the charming rogue.The rest of the conversation was unclear as the door shut. Having regained the composure in the restroom and touched up the makeup, Roseanne looked at her reflection and curled her lips in disdain. "How pathetic."Indeed, she was living a pathetic life.Taking a deep breath, Roseanne made up her mind. Yet, the scene greeting her as she pushed the door open and returned to the room made her grip the doorknob tightly, almost losing her composure.Murray was pressing his lips against the woman's, their saliva moistening the napkin between them.Laughter and cheers erupted around them."Damn, Murray is good at that!""They're at it! They're at it!""The mood's set. Give us a show!"Roseanne's hand on the doorknob trembled. That was the man she had loved for six years, and at that moment, she only felt bitter irony."Hey, knock it off..." Someone murmured, gesturing toward the door.Everyone turned to look."Anne, you're back? It's all in good fun. Don't take it to heart..."But Murray cut him off, glancing over calmly. "Roseanne, since you're here today, let's lay everything out."Roseanne nodded. "Sure, go ahead."Murray cut to the chase. "We've been on and off for years, and to be honest, I'm just tired of it. There's nothing left between us."Roseanne clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palms, yet she felt no pain.Huh! Six years of love had ended with, "There’s nothing left between us."Murray continued, "Millie's a great girl, and I want to make things official with her."Roseanne numbly nodded. "Okay."Murray looked at Roseanne. "Even though we break up, we're still friends. You can still call me if you need anything in Lumina City.""No need," Roseanne forced a smile, light as air. "If it's over, let's end it cleanly, to be fair to the lady."Murray raised an eyebrow, seemingly surprised."Cliff," Roseanne turned to the birthday boy. "Happy birthday. I hope everyone enjoys themselves. I’m leaving now. I peeled the plate of oranges on the table. Enjoy, and don't waste them."Murray didn't like fruit, except for oranges. But he was picky, insisting on removing every piece of pith before he'd eat them.Over the years, to ensure he had his daily fruit, Roseanne always meticulously peeled and cleaned the oranges, arranging them neatly on a plate for him.He'd hug her and coo, "My girlfriend's too good. God, what a lucky guy I am!""Do you want to my wife?" He always knew what she wanted but never offered it freely.Murray offered, “I’ll have my driver take you home.”“No need. I’ve called an Uber.”Cliff intervened, “Roseanne, let me walk you to the door.”Roseanne waved him off and turned to leave.“Murray, look at the mess... I think Roseanne is genuinely upset this time.”“Nah, it’s nothing.”“Exactly! How many times have they had a spat? And every time, Roseanne returned after a few days, acting like nothing was wrong at the next party.”“I bet five days.”“I say six.”Murray glanced at the door left ajar, his smile tinged with coldness. “I bet three hours tops. She’ll come running back to me.”“Right, Murray’s a sure win. The whole world knows Roseanne is madly in love with him.”“Man, why can’t any woman be that devoted to me?”“You? Dream on, pal!”The guys burst into laughter.Returning to the mansion past midnight, Roseanne took half an hour to pack.She’d been there three years, but when she left, all her important stuff fit into just one suitcase.The walk-in closet was full of unworn designer clothes, the jewelry never worn, and she left it all behind.The only regret was the wall of professional books. Luckily, Roseanne had the content memorized. The medium was no longer significant.Her gaze swept over the vanity, and she walked over to open a drawer. Inside was a check for seventy million dollars. Beneath the check was a contract for the property transfer at 72 Eastwood Acres.Despite being in the suburbs, it was conservatively worth twenty million. Murray signed both items during a previous breakup scare and tucked them away in the drawer, betting that Roseanne wouldn't dare to take them. Because to take them would mean the end of their relationship.Six years for seventy million? Suddenly, Roseanne felt it wasn’t a loss. How many women could claim their youth was worth that much? She packed both items into her bag.Roseanne thought, ‘Why not take what he gives me? Without love, at least there’s money.’She wasn’t some naive heroine from a romance novel who saw money as dirt.“Hello, cleaning service? Do you take rush orders?”“Yes, a big clean-up. I’ll pay extra.”Leaving the keys in the foyer, Roseanne got into the taxi, heading straight for her best friend’s place.On the way, the cleaning lady called again to confirm. “Are you sure you don't want to take any of this stuff with you?”Roseanne replied, “Yeah, do whatever you see fit.”After hanging up, Murray arrived home in the wee hours to find the cleaning lady had finished and left. The overpowering scent of perfume was giving him a headache. Loosening his collar, he sat on the couch, only to fall asleep there.The next day, he woke to the familiar clanking sound of the dishes in the kitchen. He sat up, rubbing his temples while reaching for his water glass, only to grab at thin air. His hand paused mid-air above the coffee table.Then, he smirked slightly, thinking Roseanne had returned. The blanket was on him, but she hadn't prepared his hangover tea.‘She hasn’t had enough of “incomplete confrontation” over the years, huh?’ Murray thought and stood up. “Today, you’d better...”“Mr. Sherwood, you’re awake?”Murray looked surprised. “Sadie?”Sadie said respectfully, “Please freshen up. Breakfast will be ready in two minutes. Oh, were you cold sleeping here? I turned on the heating and added an extra blanket just in case.”“Right.”At the breakfast table, Murray frowned. "Where's the cereal?"Sadie wasn’t sure. "You mean the blueberry almond oatmeal?""Blueberry almond oatmeal?" Murray was curious.Sadie added, "Yeah, the one Ms. Cole used to make with low-fat milk, frozen almonds, and blueberries, right? Oh, I didn't have time to prepare that. Just freezing the almonds and blueberries takes a long time, and you must get up early to start making it.""And the proportion has to be just right. I don't have Ms. Cole's patience to do it accurately. It just wouldn't taste the same. Also..."Murray interrupted, "Get me some beef paste.""Coming right up, Mr. Sherwood.""This doesn't taste right." Murray glanced at the jar. "And the packaging is off."Sadie explained, "That jar ran out. That is all we had."Murray ordered, "Grab a couple from the supermarket later and stock them at home.""We can't find it there." Sadie offered an awkward smile. "Ms. Cole used to make it herself. I don't know how to..."Crash!Sadie asked, "Eh? Mr. Sherwood, you're not eating?"Murray scoffed, "Hmm, not in the mood."Sadie watched Murray ascend the stairs, utterly baffled, wondering why he suddenly lost his temper...."Laziness incarnate! Time to rise and shine!"Roseanne turned over, barely opening her eyes. "Quiet down. Let me sleep a bit more..."With her makeup perfectly done, Leda Reynolds was choosing a purse. "It's almost eight. Don't you have to rush back to make breakfast for Mr. Sherwood?"Roseanne sometimes spent the night, but she always rushed back home before dawn to whip up her blueberry almond oatmeal for Murray and his sensitive stomach.Leda found it ridiculous.Was Murray laid up or something? Couldn't he just order some takeout on his phone?It was all just spoiling him rotten!Deeply asleep, Roseanne brushed off the comment with a wave. "Not going back. We broke up.""Oh, planning to split for a few days, then?" Leda teased, "Then sleep well. Breakfast is on the table. I'm off to work. I have a date tonight, so you don’t need to cook for me. You'll probably head back soon anyway. Could you close the balcony window on your way out?"Roseanne woke up hungry. Munching on her best friend's sandwich, she gazed at the brilliant sunshine, struggling to recall the last time she woke up naturally.After finishing her brunch, she changed and headed straight for the bank to cash a check for fifty million. It was always safer to have the money in hand.Then, she visited the bank next door. "I need to speak with your private banking advisor. I want to deposit ten million."The branch manager offered a decent annual interest rate. Roseanne negotiated for an additional two percentage points, reaching a satisfactory agreement. Following the same strategy, she deposited ten million in two other banks, negotiating better rates each time.When exiting the last bank, Roseanne was a millionaire, armed with three black cards, thirty million dollars in deposits, and twenty million in liquid assets."Not a bad split," she thought, having essentially struck gold overnight.Passing by a bustling hair salon, Roseanne walked in. She instantly splurged on a two-thousand-dollar membership for VIP service.Sitting in front of the mirror, Roseanne looked at her brown, wavy hair and felt a tinge of disdain for the first time.The hairdresser praised, "Darling, your hair's fantastic, like a doll's..."She kept her hair long and wavy because Murray loved the feel of it, especially the atmospheric vibe it gave off after their intimate moments. But maintaining beautiful curls meant dedicating even more time to grooming.

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